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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This research aimed to prepare, characterise and study the effectiveness of two
magnetic graphene oxide-based nanocomposites, namely gellan gum-graphene
oxide (GG-GO-Fe3O4) and pectin-graphene oxide (PEC-GO-Fe3O4) as
nanocarriers for permethrin and cinnamaldehyde insecticide compounds. This
research is divided into three parts, namely preparation, characterisation and
effectiveness studies. Nanocomposites with amorphous structure were
successfully produced based on the existence of conjugation mechanism between
GG and PEC with iron oxide at wavenumber peak 650 cm-1. Results from
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
have shown that the nanocomposites loaded with insecticides are thermally stable.
Performance study of nanocomposites loaded with insecticides towards Aedes
aegypti larvae was analysed through Abbott’s and Probit’s formula via in vitro at
different pH using ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrometer. The encapsulation
of insecticide to nanocarriers was successfully carried out based on the change in
intensity and wavenumber of absorption bands from Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectrometer (FTIR) analysis and size increment of nanocarriers in the range of
18.2 to 70.1%. The formulated nanocarriers have successfully prolonged the
release duration of permethrin and cinnamaldehyde by 15 and 24 hours,
respectively. The release profiles of insecticide compounds were best fitted by
Korsemeyer-Peppas kinetic model. Formulation of GG-GO-Fe3O4 nanocarrier
loaded with cinnamaldehyde was found as the most effective formulation to
control A. aegypti larvae. In conclusion, both nanocarriers studied have shown
outstanding performance in loading and releasing permethrin and cinnamaldehyde
in larvicide formulations. In implication, the application of both environmental
friendly nanocarriers in larvicide formulations could reduce mosquito borne
diseases and sustain the environment. |
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