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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aimed to develop and determine the effect of Subject-Verb Agreement
(SVA) Hop on Year 4 learners‟ writing skills. This study employed mixed qualitative
and quantitative approach. A stratified sampling of 30 Year 4 lower intermediate
learners was assigned. The treatment was conducted by using SVA Hop for four-week
periods. The instrument chosen in this study were a set of pre and post-tests, three sets
of worksheets, observation checklists and a semi-structured interview session. Data
were analysed by using descriptive and thematic analysis. Descriptive analysis
involves SPSS Statistics analysis of mean scores of pre and post-tests and three sets of
worksheets while thematic analysis through Nvivo software describes interest in
constructing simple sentences among Year 4 learners. The findings showed that there
was a significantly difference between pre and post-tests and three sets of worksheets.
The participants showed an improvement in constructing simple sentences from given
verbs. It was observed that research participants enjoyed SVA Hop and were able to
construct at least four sentences correctly based on the pictures given verbally and in
written form. Besides, data from semi-structured interview showed that learners were
interested in constructing simple sentences after intervention of SVA Hop. The
implication of the study indicated that SVA Hop has improved Year 4 learner‟s basic
writing skills in constructing simple sentences by using correct subject-verb
agreement. It helps learners in completing their homework, answering quiz and
constructing simple sentences in essay writing. In addition, it aids the ESL teachers to
conduct grammar lesson in a fun and engaging way. This study reflects that social and
conducive environment factors play a large role in empowering the community
through social interaction. Overall, the study shows SVA Hop could enhance basic
writing skills among ESL learners in an ESL classroom. It helps learners to pick up
grammar rules in a conducive environment.
Key words: Subject-verb agreement, SVA Hop, SPSS Statistics, Nvivo Software,
sentence writing, grammar rules |
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