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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of vertical versus horizontal
based training on muscle activation, kinematics and kinetics output in relation to
instructional delivery methods. A total of 30 recreationally active male participants
aged between 19-29 years old were recruited for the purpose of this study. All
participants went through 8 weeks of vertical and horizontal training based on two
instructional methods (verbal and video). Pre and post tests were conducted.
Electromyography (EMG) was used to measure muscle activation, force platform was
used to measure kinetics output, and high-speed motion analysis system was used to
measure kinematics variables. MANOVA was used to determine significant
differences in muscle activation, kinematic output and kinetic output for both groups
of instruction, verbal and video methods in pre- and post-test, One way ANCOVA
was used to compare the effectiveness of strength training using the vertical ( lunges)
and horizontal (squat) to the kinematic output, kinetic output and muscle activation
between verbal and video instruction groups, with Pearson Product Moment was used
to determine relationship between variables. The results of the study found that there
were no significant difference for both groups in the pre-test and post-test, except for
biceps femoris muscle activation and ankle kinematics during the lunge and squat.
Based on percentage of differences, verbal mode of instruction was better than video
mode of instruction. In conclusion, result of this study indicated that mode of
instructions given in not much different between each other, as long as the
instructions able to ensure accurate mechanical performance For future studies, it is
suggested to look further on the focus of each of the instructions from mechanical
point on participants from various skill’s level background. |
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