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Type :thesis
Subject :PE English
Main Author :Yugeswari Arumugam
Title :The analysis of cultural of Pulse 2 ESL textbook for form 1
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2022
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aims to analyze the cultural categories displayed in the Pulse 2 EL textbook for Form 1 syllabus, investigate how foreign cultures and topics are introduced to Form 1 students, and identify the perception of Form 1 ESL teachers on the textbook specifically on the foreign contents. This study employed mixed-method research with applied convergent parallel design. The first phase of the data collection involved quantitative analysis using a questionnaire that was administered to 30 Form 1 ESL teachers. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics via SPSS software. The qualitative data were collected through theory-based content analysis of the textbook and semi-structured interviews with five Form 1 teachers from schools in Batang Padang, Perak. Based on the findings, it is evident that all the eleven criteria by Byram et al. (1994, 51-52) and Risager (1991, 182-183,188) were present in the Form 1 syllabus, thus proving it to be culturally rich, especially with UK-centric contents. Besides, the researcher found an imbalance in the portrayal of cultural categories in the Form 1 syllabus and no reference was made to the Malaysian context. Designing personal materials, making comparisons between target and local cultures, and using resources such as visuals and web-based learning are the most common pedagogical methods utlised by Form 1 teachers in introducing the foreign content to their students. Although the teachers have positive perceptions on the general aspects of the textbook, they disclosed a mixed perception on the foreign cultural content. In conclusion, the Pulse 2 EL textbook hinders its functions in assisting the Form 1 teachers with the rich portrayal of foreign content. The finding is hoped to serve as a reference for stakeholders to make meaningful decisions in localizing and revising the CEFR-aligned textbooks in Malaysia.


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