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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Usha Murugayan
Title :Factors influence Mathematics achievement and solutions among Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) school students in Sentul division
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The purpose of this study was to examine factors influence Mathematics Achievement and Solutions among Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) students in Sentul Division. The instrument of the study is based on the distribution of research questionnaires. Semi structured questions and interview questions was employed to 10 of standard six students and 2 Mathematics teachers in 5 different Tamil Schools in Sentul Division. The Hermeneutic method was used to interpret the students' written texts on the factors influence the mathematics achievement. The finding of this study indicated that poor teaching strategies by the teachers in teaching mathematics subject are factors that influence mathematics achievement. Where else, the solutions that have been identified to improve the achievement in Mathematics among Tamil school students are guiding the teachers in improvising mathematics pedagogy and develop the teachers skill in giving clear instruction. In conclusion, teachers need to use effective methods and techniques in their teaching so that the interest in learning mathematics subject will increase among students which will lead to a better achievement in mathematics subject. As implication, the school administration should provide support and guidance to help teachers and students in identifying best methods to improve in teaching and learning Mathematics subject. Ministry of Education should put continuous effort in providing effective courses on teaching and learning Mathematics. Moreover, text and reference book writers have to play vital role to publish best guided mathematics books which considerably influence Mathematics achievement among SJKT student.


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