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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The objective of this study is to identify vices and virtues of Kovalan in the Tamil epic
Silappathikaaram, to analyse those attributes with reference to Thiruvalluvar's Oozh
(loosely translated as destiny) theory and to further expound on the lesson learned
through Kovalan’s destiny. The main aim of this study is to convey the outcome of an
intense Oozh. Qualitative data analysis methods have been used in this research
whereby all the three objectives of this study have been reached effectively through
library and text analysis methods. In the theory part, the whole of Silappathikaaram
epic has been thoroughly studied and understood. Kovalan's vices and virtues were
identified by scrutinizing his lifestyles, his journey, incidences that influence his next
course of action and its impact on the society has been analyzed in accordance with
Thiruvalluvar's Oozh theory. Four vices and four virtues that shape Kovalan’s destiny
in Silappathikaaram were explored. The effects of predestination were analyzed
according to the four evils and virtues as propounded by Thiruvalluvar in his
couplets. As for the findings, nine lessons learned from Kovalan’s destiny were
explained through critical observation of all the incidents that shaped his life. It clearly
reveals that Kovalan’s four vices and four virtues had dictated his destiny and
corroborates the fact that human race are destined to experience the consequences of
their own act. The implication of this study is, it proves one can’t refute the law of
nature. Our own actions produce results according to the pattern of those actions. The
research is significant in a sense that Kovalan’s life story is relevant even today and can
be used as a guiding principle in our daily conduct. In conclusion, understanding
Thiruvalluvar’s Oozh theory with reference to Silappathikaaram helps one to
understand the implication of one’s vices and virtues. Enhancing oneself and family
with knowledge and conduct based on virtues will benefit the society on the whole. |
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