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Type :thesis
Subject :GV Recreation Leisure
Main Author :Mohd Hafizuddin Baki
Title :The effect of training monotony on sensitivity to potential training strain among elite Malaysian rugby players
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Sukan dan Kejurulatihan
Year of Publication :2022
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The purpose of this study is to determine the sensitivity of a potential to strain measure to acute training load accumulated over the weeks, during a competitive period among Malaysia Rugby (MR) players. Twenty-eight (n=28) elite Malaysia Rugby 15's players completed eight-weeks training program [six weeks of intensive training (IT) and two weeks of reduced training (RT)]. During the process, Bronco speed-endurance test were administered at before (TO), after (T1), and after the RT (T2) phase. The session’s Rating of Perceived Exertion (SRPE) was used to quantify the perceived training load and strain during each training session. Wellness questionnaire was used to determine player's daily wellness level. Results showed that higher Acute-Chronic Workload Ratio (ACWR) during first and second week of training, and slightly reduced before entering pre competition phase and its followings week (competition phase). Bronco test result indicated significant improvement starting from the first week of training, fourth week of training, before entering competition phase and sixth week of training (competition phase). Cumulatively, moderate level of wellness recorded among all players during the whole duration of training program. Findings of this study suggested ACWR can be used successfully as a load-monitoring tool in assisting training load and strain monitoring and modification among elite national rugby players. This allows for the training program to be adjusted from time to time, and finally allows for performance improvement as indicated by the Bronco test results, with reduced risk of injury. In conclusion, the study has provided evidence of effectiveness of sRPE and ACWR as monitoring and performance enhancement tool for strength and conditioning coach, helping coaches to avoid overreaching or overtraining. Future studies were suggested to include medical personnel and their medical monitoring devices in synchronization with strength and conditioning coach’s load monitoring and programming, allowing for a more detailed biofeedback.


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