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Type :article
Subject :P Language and Literature
Main Author :Siew, Wen Jia
Title :The tradition studies under western perspective: Chien Chung Shus ideology of literary history on “Take the old as the new”
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
As a Post May Fourth scholar, Ch’ien Chung Shu had gained a deep foundation for tradition studies from home, as well as underwent professional training on Western Literature. Thus, his literary perspective was much wider, familiar with the tradition and modern studies within Eastern and Western world. While comparing the Chinese and Western studies, the May Fourth scholars tended to promote “new voices” from the foreign land, taking strategic of enlarged th e advances of Western studies plus highlighted the defect of Chinese studies, in order to shape the legality of New Literature. On the contrary, the Xueheng School 学衡派 tended to absorb new nutrients from the Western Classical Literature, even analyzed the Chinese tradition studies from Western perspective . Regrettably, the Xueheng School was considered as the opposition during the New Literature Movement, their appr oach usually obscured by the tense confrontation between the new and tradition studies. Between 1932 35, Ch’ien Chung Shu graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University, then became a young lecturer in Shanghai Guanghua University. He had published a series of Chinese and English book reviews, including papers in Tsinghua Weekly, Crescent Monthly, Ta Kung Pao, Guofeng Bimonthly, T’ien Hsia Monthly publications. In early review articles, when Ch’ien Chung Shu analyzed the Song Dynast y literary theory and poetry, he borrowed the ideology of “take the old as the new”, discussed about the breakthrough of the literary power circle. His English papers not only formed dialogue with the overseas sinologists, but also moved forward from the f oundation of Xueheng School, which included the tradition studies within Western vision. He mentioned that through the meetings of the tradition and modern studies within Eastern and Western world, we could place the Classics in the literary history and th e art palace.  



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——Book Note II, Tsinghua Weekly 《清华周刊》 XXXVI (1932)

——On ‘ Chinese Poetry, The Chinese Critic 《中国评论周报》 VI 1933

——Foreword to the Prose poetry of Su Tung P’o 1935

——Tragedy in Old Chinese Drama, from T’ien Hsia Monthly 《天下月刊》 I 1935

——Correspondence:To the Editor in Chief of T’ien Hsia T’ien Hsia Monthly (《天下月

刊》) IV 1937


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