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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
In the era of Big Data, statistical modelling plays important role in handling a
prodigious flow of datasets. The existing literatures regarding the performance of
maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian method that fit with finite mixture model
in time series modelling is still lacking. The main objective of this study was to compare
the maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian method in fitting with finite mixture
model and determine the plausible method in analysing time series data. Also, this study
aimed to identify the number of components and the representation existed in time
series data. Additionally, this study also evaluated and modelled the exchange rate,
inflation rate, electrical and electronic export values in Malaysia, Thailand and the
Philippines using both methods that fit to finite mixture model. The finite mixture
model is an unsupervised learning model that can fit with all types of distributions and
hence modelling a variety of data. In this study, maximum likelihood estimation and
Bayesian method were adapted with finite mixture model to investigate the relationship
between sampled variables as both methods are well-known parameter estimation
method used in large sample study. As a result, the two components mixture model
obtained in sampled variables. Both approaches revealed that a negative relationship
presented between exchange rate with electrical and electronic export prices. Besides
that, a positive relationship exhibited between inflation rate with electrical and
electronic export prices. For exchange rate and inflation rate, negative relationship
occurred in the normal situation while no relationship existed in crisis period. In
conclusion, both methods provided almost similar results but maximum likelihood
estimation performed better than the Bayesian method. As an implication, the efficiency
of statistical method, importance of components’ representations and statistical
modelling highlighted in this study can be a guideline to statisticians who are interested
in the similar field. |
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