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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The main objectives of this study are to examine the level of skin tone satisfaction
among Malaysian young adults, and to explore the associations between social media
addiction, social comparison (upwards and downwards comparison), and skin tone
satisfaction. Two models are built: Model 1 proposed that social media addiction and
social comparison can significantly influence skin tone satisfaction, and social media
addiction can significantly moderate the relationship between social comparison and
skin tone satisfaction. Model 2 proposed that social media addiction and social
comparison can significantly influence skin tone satisfaction, and social comparison
can significantly mediate the relationship between social media addiction and skin tone
satisfaction. A total of 414 university students have participated and answered a
demographic questionnaire, along with Skin Colour Satisfaction Scale (SCSS),
Upwards/Downwards Physical Appearance Comparison Scale (UPACS/DACS) and
Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS). Data was analysed using SPSS and
AMOS. Descriptive analysis shows that the level of skin tone satisfaction among
respondents is moderate. Multivariate analysis shows that only upwards comparison
has significant influence on skin tone satisfaction (β = -.448, p < .001). Social media
addiction also shows significant moderating effect only on the relationship between
upwards comparison and skin tone satisfaction. On the other hand, social media
addiction is found to have significant influence on both upwards (β = .474, p < .001)
and downwards (β = .311, p < .001) comparison. Upwards comparison is also a
significant mediator to the relationship between social media addiction and skin tone
satisfaction (β = -.748, p = .007). Downwards comparison do not have the same
mediating effect. The implication of this study proves that being addicted to social
media can significantly lead to body dissatisfaction issues and thus, expanded the
Tripartite Influence Theory in the context of media’s role. |
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