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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to unravel readiness in implementing Student-Centred Learning (SCL)
and thus determine insight to develop a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) module. This
study employed a case study research design which was conducted in three national
type secondary schools in Hilir Perak district. The participants involved were six
administrators, fourteen teachers and seven students and they were chosen using the
purposive sampling technique. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted to
acquire comprehensive information on the school’s awareness, readiness and
perspective on the issues in SCL implementation. Inductive qualitative data analysis
was used whereby the data were compared, contrast and interpreted. Findings suggested
that there were three major themes had emerged which were; awareness about SCL,
readiness to adopt SCL and issues and challenges in implementing SCL. Subsequently,
these findings had provided four main insights for PBL teaching and learning in
Malaysian secondary schools which were; i) implementing PBL and developing PBL
module should not be in an accelerating manner but introduced carefully and gradually,
ii) difficulty of problem scenario in a PBL classroom need to be increased towards the
late stage of implementation, iii) PBL guide and support for both teachers and students
are crucial along the stage of implementation, and iv) the amount of facilitation
decreases towards the late stage of implementation. In conclusion, findings showed that
the study’s participants were aware of PBL as an approach to encourage students in
meaningful learning process. This research implies as a guidance in developing PBL
module specific for Malaysian context. |
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