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Type :thesis
Subject :LB Theory and practice of education
Main Author :Norhafilah Abdullah
Title :The effectiveness Co-STAR module to enhance writing proficiency among the low achiever learner
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2022
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aims to alleviate the low performance of writing proficiency by examining the effectiveness of implementing self and peer assessment (SPA) approach in the Collaborative-Student Takes Assessment Responsibility (Co-STAR) writing module of the Year 5 low achiever learners (LALs). This study focuses on self and peer reviewing as part of the writing process and as a pedagogical strategy that can help students develop their writing and self-regulation learning skills. It was conducted through mixed-methods based on Sidek’s Model which consists of two phases. In the first phase, need analysis results showed 83.3% of 46 teachers in Gombak District agreed that the SPA approach help to develop LALs’ writing skills and build up their confidence in assessing their own writing. The second phase involved the item verification process based on the agreement of seven experts using the Content Validity Index (CVI). A total of five constructs consisting of 20 items received experts (n=7) consensus reliability value (α) = 0.92. In total, 18 students participated in the study, which was evaluated using a pre-test/post-test without control group evaluation design. There was significant improvement in the participants’ achievement after post-test (M=4.33, SD=3.32) compared to pre-test (M= 2.12, SD=2.64). It shows that the implementation of SPA has an effect in improving the LALs’ writing. The overall results of observation showed were deficient in putting extra work into task due to their cognitive level and background. However, they are successful in helping peer, sharing idea and showed positive attitude by being able to be self -driven in learning and cooperate with peer. Document analysis of the participants’ essays showed improvement in structural of writing. The interview received positive response on the four themes namely collaboration of the students, writing skills development and progress as well as motivation. The implication of this research has been proven that the assessment process changes the LAL’s role from passive receiver into active participants in classroom activities, teach the students on how to socialise better as well as enhancing their motivation. Therefore, teachers need not hesitate to practice SPA approach to ensure LALs are no longer left behind.


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