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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of the study was to identify the influence of inventive thinking and
mentoring toward students’ achievement in science project competition. TRIZ and the
21st Century Learning Skills models were used as the underpinning theories in this
study. A survey method was used in this study. The instruments consisted of two sets
of questionnaires, open-ended items, and an interview protocol. The qualitative data
collected from the interview were used for triangulation purpose. The samples of this
study were 250 students and 81 mentors were selected using stratified random sampling
from ten different sites in Indonesia. The results of the questionnaire showed that both
the students and the mentors believed that curiosity (M = 4.38; SD = 0.41) and
adaptability (M = 4.31; SD = 0.42) were the major elements, and enterprising was the
minor element of inventive thinking. The students rated supervision (M = 4.49; SD =
0.41) and coaching (M = 4.46; SD = 0.40) as high priority, and research skills (M =
4.38; SD = 0.50) as the lowest priority. Mentors, on the other hands, rated relationship
(M = 4.52; SD = 0.44) as high mentoring skill, and role model (M = 4.28; SD = 0.42)
as low concern in mentoring. The regression analysis suggested curiosity ( = 0.403),
risk-taking ( = 0.402), communication ( = 0.551), and coaching ( = 0.601) as
dominant factors that affect students’ success in the science project competition.
Qualitative data from interview analyzed through thematic analysis found several
themes pertinent to the success of students in science competition such as curiosity in
observing the real problems, presentation and communication skills. In the open-ended
items, the major barriers for the students to win science project competition were lack
of creativity (good ideas), and lack of infrastructure (good science lab). The students
also rated good mentors were those teachers who were accessible, friendly, supportive
and could provide effective advice and coaching. In conclusion, the empirical data
supported the study assertions that the students’ science achievement was influenced
by their inventive thinking and effective mentoring. The main implication of the study
is that a new framework of inventive thinking and mentoring developed from this study
could be used by institutions that train students to compete in science fairs. |
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