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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of the study was to identify the factors that influence teachers’ adoption
and integration of ICT into teaching in urban high schools, of which the case study
primarily used schools in Windhoek Namibia, to determine how knowledgeable
teachers are with the utilization of ICT and how effective ICT is within the education
sector. There are a lot of studies in the area, but what made this study unique and of
essence is that the empirical research has been conducted to examine this phenomenon
from the teachers perceptive in Namibia. The research method used in the collection of
data for the thesis study was quantitative in nature. Primary data was collected using
closed-ended structured questionnaires from 169 Teachers and an assessment checklist.
Furthermore, data obtained from the study were analysed using the Statistical Package
for Social Sciences software version 16. The findings of the study through the
employment of the Spearman Correlation tests illuminate that ICT integration is
positively related to teacher’s attitude, perception and skills and or competencies.
Moreover, the two probity models found the determinants of ICT integration in schools
to significantly depend on gender. Teacher’s ICT skills as well as Teachers’ attitude,
age, perception and teaching experience of the Teachers show a negative effect on ICT
adoption. However, these factors are all not statistically significant. The study also
provides a presentation and discussion of findings on the assessments that were
conducted in eight schools. Recommendations were drawn, for instance, the need for
education institution to have technical staff that assists teachers to deliver learning
material using ICT. |
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