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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The study delved into modifications and adjustments that educators underwent in a virtual classroom. It analyzed fundamental practices, guidelines, supervision, and teaching-learning methodologies that were employed in a wired learning environment. It anlyzed the phenomenology in a virtual learning platform during the pandemic that reshaped teachers’ theoretical and practical views on education. The study used Cognitive Constructivism of Jean Piaget. Learning from this frame of reference is known as a self- regulating process of resolving inner conflict that often is apparent through pragmatic experience, collaborative discourse, and reflection (Brooks and Brooks, 1993). The study assessed the process of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction in education. The study used in- depth interviews and focus group discussions of selected faculty members of a private higher education institution in Manila which has fully adopted the online platform at the onset of the pandemic. Some results included deconstruction on authority i.e., teachers face some limitations in instilling discipline and principles normally applied in a face-to-face classroom interaction; reconstruction on active learning i.e., learners are not forced to join synchronous virtual discussions due to erratic internet connection so teachers find other means to provide new avenues to allow student participation; and construction on inclusion as the guiding philosophy in learning. Common narratives among teachers are casualties brought about by the pandemic, mental stability issues, the difficulty of communicating with learners, and the problems and possible improvements of virtual learning. The study’s findings gave way to opportunities for improvements that may be used when revisiting institutional plans of actions, techniques, and educational schemes for virtual learning. |
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