UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
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8361 | 2014 article | Pembangunan perisian kursus ‘Saya Suka Belajar untuk pembelajaran bahasa Melayu bagi kanak-kanak autisme Sidek Salman Firdaus, Fathil Nur Saadah, Mohamed Zain Nur Zuhaidah, Muhammad Kamaliah, Kajian ini tertumpu kepada pembangunan perisian kursus ‘Saya Suka Belajar’ yang mempunyai ciri-ciri yang dapat menarik perhatian kanak-kanak autisme untuk belajar Bahasa Melayu. Responden kajian terdiri dari lima orang kanak-kanak autisme pada aras ringan yang sedang belajar di sebuah sekolah rendah di Kuala Lumpur. Satu borang pemantauan khusus yang pernah digunakan oleh Megan Davis, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv dan Stuart D. Powell di dalam kajian mereka yang bertajuk The Narrative Construction of Our (Social) World: Steps towards an Interactive Learning Environment for Children with Autism telah digunakan sebagai instrumen bagi kajian ini dengan sedikit pengubahsuaian dilakukan agar ianya sesuai dengan keperluan kajian. Dapatan kajian pula dianalisis secara kualitatif berdasarkan beberapa persoalan kajian yang turut dicadangkan dalam kajian mereka dan telah diubahsuai mengikut keperluan kajian ini. Hasil kajian mendapati perisian kursus yang telah dibangunkan berda..... 1753 hits |
8362 | 2015 article | Pembangunan dan ujian kebolehgunaan animasi bersegmen Kawalan Pengguna Linear (KPL) untuk program pengajian Diploma Sistem Rangkaian di Politeknik Malaysia Hassan Anuar, Mohamad Ali Ahmad Zamzuri, The aim of this study is to investigate the acceptance of usability of segmented animation of program linear controlled (KPL).The acceptance of usabiltity was tested in aspect of teaching and learning, motivation, design and technical. This instrument was adapted from Jamalludin, Baharudin and Zaidatun (2001) and it contained 15 items that need to be answered by respondents. The respondents consisted of 35 students in the final semester of the Diploma in Electrical Engineering program from a Polytechnic in the Klang Valley. The data obtained were analyzed using the descriptive mean method (SPSS version 19.0). Findings showed that the segmented animation of program linear controlled (KPL) had adhered to the development standards and is suitable to be used as teaching medium for the topic of OSI Model... 1712 hits |
8363 | 2016 article | Analysing the relationship of sequential and global learning styles on students historical thinking and understanding : a case study on form four secondary schools students in Malaysia Ling Weay Ang, Masood Mona, This study ascertained on the relationship between students’ learning styles, which are global and sequential learning styles with their historical understanding and thinking. The specific objectives of the study were to: describe the learning style of the students which are sequential and global; to find out whether students’ historical understanding and thinking differ with their learning styles; and determine the difference between the learning style and their historical understanding and thinking. The participants of the study consist of 40 Form Four Secondary School students from a National School in Kedah State, Malaysia. The Index of Learning Styles (ILS) questionnaire was utilized to carry out the rationale of the study. The results demonstrated that generally the students are fairly well balanced in global and sequential learning styles presented in the ILS questionnaire. An assessment test of history essay writing was used to determine their historical thinking from four ..... 1266 hits |
8364 | 2015 article | Pelancongan Islam: suatu tinjauan konseptual dan relevannya di Malaysia Mapjabil Jabil, Abd Razak Ratna Roshida, Marzuki Mazdi, Mohd Zainol Rosmiza, Peristiwa 9/11 membawa suatu dimensi baru dalam perkembangan Pelancongan Islam di peringkat global. Selepas tahun 2001, trend penganjuran persidangan antarabangsa dan penerbitan dalam Pelancongan Islam semakin mendapat perhatian serius dalam kalangan sarjana. Selain itu, pola dan aliran ketibaan pelancong antarabangsa telah berubah dan memberikan manfaat kepada pembangunan pelancongan di negara Islam. Pelancongan Islam sering dikaitkan dengan pelancongan budaya, keagamaan dan spiritual. Sehingga kini, tidak terdapat satu pengertian yang khusus tentang konsep pelancongan Islam. Kepentingan dan keperluan perjalanan dalam Islam ditegaskan dalam beberapa surah Al-Quran. Ia turut berkait rapat dengan beberapa konsep perjalanan dalam Islam seperti haji, umrah, rihlah, ziyara dan tabligh. Daripada perspektif Islam, konsep pelancongan dilihat dalam spektrum yang lebih luas. Ia adalah suatu ibadah, manifestasi dalam menghayati kebesaran ciptaan Ilahi dan mendapatkan keredhaanNya. Pelancongan Is..... 1108 hits |
8365 | 2016 article | “Yes, I want to be a teacher”: exploring how male student teachers negotiate their professional identity as future teacher Abas Bahijah, Teaching profession is perceived as a female domain as it is dominated by female teachers. This study aims to explore why male student choose teacher education programme at higher education, and how social context influence the development of professional identity as future teacher particularly during teaching training. Data collected from focus group discussions with nine male student teachers during their teaching practise at three secondary schools in the state of Perak. Data were transcribed verbatim, and thematic analysis was used to identify the main themes on social influence and professional identity male student teachers tried to negotiate. Findings suggest that male student teachers motivated to embark in teacher education programme as a result of peer influence. During commencement in teacher education programme, majority of student teachers were influenced by group pressure in order to comply and conform with teaching profession. Results also showed that the majority of mal..... 883 hits |
8366 | 2014 article | Kualiti air tirisan: kajian kes di Ulu Yam dan Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor Abdul Rahim Luqmanulhakim, Hashim Mohmadisa, Che Ngah Mohamad Suhaily Yusri, Nayan Nasir, Saleh Yazid, Air tirisan atau lebih dikenali sebagai air bukit terhasil apabila sesuatu bentuk muka bumi diteroka atau dipotong untuk tujuan pembangunan khususnya untuk pembinaan jalan raya atau lebuh raya baharu. Air tirisan ini mengalir dari celah rekahan batuan dan dianggap sebagai air semula jadi yang mengalir dari dalam tanah. Menjadi satu trend pada masa kini, orang awam mengambil air ini untuk tujuan minuman di samping keperluan lain. Air tersebut diminum terus tanpa dirawat terlebih dahulu. Artikel ini menganalisis tahap kualiti air tirisan di dua buah lokasi iaitu Ulu Yam dan Kuala Kubu Bharu yang terletak dalam daerah Hulu Selangor. Sampel kualiti air di lokasi ini telah diambil sebanyak tiga kali dan dianalisis secara insitu serta dalam makmal. Data kualiti tirisan ini dibandingkan dengan Piawai Interim Kualiti Air Kebangsaan (INQWS), Jabatan Alam Sekitar dan Standard Kebangsaan Kualiti Air Minuman (NSDWQ), Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia memandangkan majoriti orang awam mengambil air ini..... 2362 hits |
8367 | 2016 article | Students readiness, motivation and attitude towards entrepreneurship Samsudin Norsamsinar, Ab Jalil Norasibah, Ab Wahid Hariyaty, Yahaya Rusliza, Mat Jizat Jessnor Elmy, This study aims to identify factors that affect the readiness of the university students to get involved in entrepreneurship. This study was conducted at one of the public universities in Malaysia. 150 of final year students were involved in this survey study. The level of students’ readiness, their motivation level and attitude towards entrepreneurship were measured. The results of the analysis revealed that students had a moderate level of readiness to start a business. Their motivation level and attitude to become an entrepreneur also at the moderate level. The finding also showed a significant positive correlation between motivation level, attitude, and readiness to participate in entrepreneurship... 1654 hits |
8368 | 2016 article | Service quality, organisational culture and technology acceptance towards 1BestariNet application in Northern Malaysia Yeop Yunus Nek Kamal, Kamarudin Mohd Hafez, Zachariah Tirzah Zubeidah, Md Zabit Mohd Nazir, Since a decade ago, the Malaysian educational system has undergone a tremendous transformation due to recent technological advancement. To achieve the targets in the Malaysian Educational Blueprint, comprehensive usage of technology is crucial, not only in teaching and learning but also in management and administration. This study had been conducted using online administered questionnaires. About 80 secondary school teachers randomly selected in northern states of Malaysia, managed to complete all the questions in the questionnaires. The data collected were analyzed using SPSS and SmartPLS. It was found that organizational culture and technological acceptance influenced the 1BestariNet application but service quality did not. As such, this study had been conducted to fill in the gaps in previous research, especially in terms of the extent of the influence of service quality, organizational culture and technology acceptance on the 1BestariNet application. Future research directions were..... 3008 hits |
8369 | 2016 article | Secondary school choice – what do parents concern? Krishnapillai Gengeswari, Kwok See Ying, Cheong Pinky, Li Xin, Cheong Ka Kit, Lee Ying, There has been an increase in the students’ enrolment to the private schools across Malaysia. The shift in the parents’ preference on the selection of secondary school has been predominantly attributed to the dissatisfaction with the current school education system. Subsequently, this study attempts to study the factors that affect parents’ preferences in selecting the secondary school for their children. Four factors namely school characteristics, school environment, social influences and the parents-administration-teachers (PAT) relationship that are related to school choice were examined in this study. 203 representative elements were drawn using judgmental sampling technique and structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis was used to analyse the data collected. The findings showed that all factors significantly affect the parents’ preferences in selecting the secondary school for their children. Comparatively, the effect of school environment on the parents’ preferences ..... 1419 hits |
8370 | 2016 article | Popularity of coaching “classes” in India Bharucha Jehangir, Coaching classes have gained immense popularity in the metropolitan cities of India in recent times. There are classes catering to diverse needs in terms of different courses, varying timings and locations and course material requirements. The main purpose of this research paper is to identify how popular coaching classes are with the students pursuing commerce based courses in the city of Mumbai. With the help of a structured questionnaire circulated among a sample of students from Mumbai University, the paper aims at identifying the need and relevance of coaching classes and tries to understand the gaps in the education system. The study concludes that the need for coaching classes has much to do with disillusionment with college faculty and to a large extent to supplement the learning done at college. The paper recommends policy measures in this regard... 251 hits |
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