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9121 | 2009 thesis | Kesan penggunaan PBM (PBL) terhadap pencapaian dan motivasi pelajar dalam Kimia tingkatan empat Nor Hasimah Ismail The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) compared to a normal teaching (NL) approach of form four Chemistry. The study was conducted by using a quasi experimental design which involved 28 form four students and a chemistry teacher from a secondary school in Kuala Kangsar District. The effects were evaluated by comparing the students' achievement and the motivations of the sample students (n=15) using the PBL and comparing the outcomes with those of the NL sample students (n=13). The results indicated that the min achievements of students who had involved in PBL were higher than the min achievements of students who had involved in NL approach. However, the comparative post-test students' achievement analysis conducted using a student t-test statistical analysis (p>0,05) revealed that the quasi experimental PBL approach did not yielded better students' achievement than the controlled NL approach. Where motivations were concerned, the analysis..... 2150 hits |
9122 | 2016 article | Tahap pemahaman kanak-kanak terhadap konsep bentuk dalam lukisan Ahmad Sultan Majita, Masnan Abdul Halim, Rohaizad Noor Aizal Akmal, Salleh Mad Ithnin, 6211 hits |
9123 | 2009 thesis | Program latihan dan pengurusan kewangan pasukan pancaragam Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Victoria, Kuala Lumpur: satu kajian kes Hishammuddin Idrus The Victoria Institution Cadet Corps Band (VICCB) has acclaimed successes at national and international level. These national and international triumphs have certainly proven that VICCB has the right factors in preserving its name as an outstanding, prestigious and victorious band in Malaysia. This research focuses on two aspects; firstly, on the training program carried out by VICCB which includes its organisation, the training program for its new recruits and the role of its band director in dealing with the band, secondly, this research is aimed at determining the type of expenses and steps taken to attain financial sources in order to provide for the band activities. This research is done in a qualitative approach. The method used is a case study. The data is collected through interviews. The findings of the research have clearly indicated that the successes gained by VICCB are due to its competent organisational structure, the systematic training program and strong financial sourc..... 716 hits |
9124 | 2009 thesis | The effects of a four-week balance training programme on dynamic balance and scoccer skill performances Siti Azilah Atan The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a four-week balance training programme on dynamic balance and soccer skill performances. Young soccer players from Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) Football Academy (n= 30) were recruited in this study to evaluate the effects of balance training on them. The players were randomly divided into two groups (n =15 each), one control group and one experimental group. The experimental group followed a four-week balance training programme with 3 times per week, 20 minute per session. Johnson Modification Dynamic Bass Test of Dynamic Balance (JMBT) was used to assess dynamic balance ability and Loughborough Soccer Passing Test (LSPT) was used to assess soccer skill performances .A repeated measure ANOVA showed there was a significant differences at p < 0.000 in dynamic balance and soccer skill performances between the experimental and control groups. Paired sample t-tests indicated that there were statiscally significant imp..... 738 hits |
9125 | 2013 thesis | Hubungan Program Pendidikan Perakaunan Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris dengan penghasilan guru efektif Nor Fadzlin Jamaluddin Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan pelaksanaan program akademik terhadap penghasilan guru efektif di Jabatan Perakaunan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Reka bentuk kajian adalah kajian secara tinjauan iaitu data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan soal selidik. Jumlah sampel kajian adalah seramai 82 orang guru pelatih daripada Jabatan Perakaunan. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk mencari taburan frekuensi bagi faktor-faktor demografi. Analisis kolerasi digunakan untuk menentukan hubungan antara elemen-elemen dalam kurikulum Program Pendidlkan Perakaunan dengan penghasilan guru efektif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tiada hubungan yang signifikan antara subjek bagi kursus universiti, kursus pendidikan dan kursus major dengan penghasilan guru efektif. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dalam salah satu ciri guru efektif iaitu jangkaan guru terhadap pelajar bagi subjek kursus pendidikan dan major. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifika..... 1173 hits |
9126 | 2010 thesis | The development of a microcomputer-based laboratory (MBL) system for gas pressure law experiment and the perception study Tho, Siew Wei The purpose of this research was to develop a Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) system for gas pressure law experiment used in tertiary physics education. The research was divided into two parts; the first part was to develop the system and the second part was to study the perception towards the use of the built system. The main hardware of the system was the PHOENIX (Data Logger) which was obtained from Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), New Delhi. Others hardware used were temperature sensor and pressure sensor. These hardware components were controlled by a computer. The sensors were calibrated according to the standard reference of pressure and temperature. The data and parameters obtained from the calibration were used in the courseware to determine the pressure and temperature based on the voltage of the sensors. The courseware design for this system was developed based on the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) instructional model, w..... 1901 hits |
9127 | 2010 thesis | Effect sizes of fixed and random effects model in meta-analysis Foo, Chuan Hui Over a few decades ago, meta-analysis has rapidly developed in various fields of studies to improve the quality of previous research by quantitative review. Quantitative review assesses an overall magnitude of the effect from multiple studies. Hence, the objective in this dissertation is to determine the methods of finding effect sizes for different conditions in meta-analysis. Two key findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, vote-counting method will be applied if the effect size estimates are not available. Next, fixed effects and random effects methods will be used in combining the effect size estimates when effect size estimates can be calculated. 55 Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) on Tamoxifen treatment for early breast cancer patients are observed according to recurrences and mortality cases, respectively. The data is then analysed by using the latest statistical software, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) version 2.0. CMA is found to be beneficial and interactive in t..... 813 hits |
9128 | 2010 thesis | Propaganda dan perang dalam era konfrontasi Malaysia-Indonesia, 1963-1966 Sahul Hamid Mohamed Maiddin This dissertation examines the propaganda and psychological warfare launched during Malaysian-Indonesian Confrontation, 1963-1966. Propaganda and psychological warfare bears an identical meaning namely the art of persuasion either to reinforce the courages or to diminish the abilities of the target groups. The dissertation also discusses the inception of Malaysia which led to the Confrontation. It begins with the ideas and efforts on Malaysia's formation, adverse reaction by the opponents and then to reconciliation measures. To obtain a clearer understanding, it also surveys the ambience of Indonesian politics and foreign policies besides Indonesian propaganda on Malaysia. Malaysian counter-propaganda towards Indonesia is explained in two forms; propaganda of words and propaganda of deeds. Propaganda is not merely verbal and writings, in fact it entails concomitant deeds or actions ensuing the words uttered. This dissertation is carried out mainly by the method of primary sources studi..... 1276 hits |
9129 | 2010 thesis | The impacts of outdoor education toward group cohesion and outdoor education attitude among student from IPGM, Kampus Temenggung Ibrahim, Johor Mazuki Mohd Yasim The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of outdoor education toward group cohesion and outdoor education attitude. The samples in the study were students from Department of Physical Education, Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kampus Temenggung Ibrahim, Johor Bahru, Johor. Sixty three (n=63) students participated with 32 serve as experimental group and 31 served as control group. The duration of the programme four days and three nights with both control and experimental group experience the same programme except team building activities which serve as a treatment for experimental group. This study seeks to explore the effects of outdoor education camp and sociodemographic variables (age, gender, place of living, and previous outdoor experience) on group cohesion and outdoor education attitudes. Group Environmental Questionnaire (GEQ) and Outdoor Education Attitude Inventory (OEAI) were used to gather quantitative data from pre and post-tests. Results from the present stud..... 1599 hits |
9130 | 2014 thesis | Stress, self-esteem, and parenting styles in adolescent students with smoking behavior in Banda Aceh Dina Amalia There is an increasing number of young smokers in Indonesia that has become a serious concern in recent years. Therefore, this study aimed to examine Indonesian adolescents' smoking based on related variables i.e. stress, self-esteem, and parenting styles. Survey method with purposive random sampling was used in this study with a set inclusion criteria includingmale gender and age of 15 to 18 years old. A total of 106 students (54 smokers and 52 non smokers) from four senior high schools in Banda Aceh, Indonesia participated. The measures used were the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ). This study found that there were differences in stress and self-esteem level as well as certain parenting practices between smoking and non-smoking adolescents. This study did not find a relationship between stress and self-esteem in smoking adolescents, but stress and self-esteem correlated differentially with certain parenting ..... 955 hits |
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