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Simplified search suggestions : Ali Md Nadzalan
The effects of unilateral versus bilateral resistance training on physical performance, movement mechanics, bilateral deficit and muscle architecture
Ali Md Nadzalan
The objectives of this study is to determine the chronic effects of unilateral versus bilateral resistance training on physical performance, movement mechanics, bilateral deficit and muscle architecture. Forty-five trained men were recruited as study participants and were divided into three groups; i) unilateral, ii) bilateral and iii) control group. The participants were divided into groups according to their 1RM strength performance in order to ensure that each groups are balanced in terms of strength or lifting abilities. During this study, participants underwent pre-test consisted of physical performance tests (unilateral and bilateral 1RM test, 30m sprint, vertical jump, agility t-test), movement mechanics (muscle activation and kinematics), bilateral deficit (sum of left and right limbs compared to bilateral strength score) and muscle architecture (muscle thickness, pennation angle and fascicle length of vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, biceps brachii, triceps brachii) .....

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