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Simplified search suggestions : Mazuki Mohd Yasim |
1 | 2010 thesis | The impacts of outdoor education toward group cohesion and outdoor education attitude among student from IPGM, Kampus Temenggung Ibrahim, Johor Mazuki Mohd Yasim The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of outdoor education toward group cohesion and outdoor education attitude. The samples in the study were students from Department of Physical Education, Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kampus Temenggung Ibrahim, Johor Bahru, Johor. Sixty three (n=63) students participated with 32 serve as experimental group and 31 served as control group. The duration of the programme four days and three nights with both control and experimental group experience the same programme except team building activities which serve as a treatment for experimental group. This study seeks to explore the effects of outdoor education camp and sociodemographic variables (age, gender, place of living, and previous outdoor experience) on group cohesion and outdoor education attitudes. Group Environmental Questionnaire (GEQ) and Outdoor Education Attitude Inventory (OEAI) were used to gather quantitative data from pre and post-tests. Results from the present stud..... 1598 hits |
2 | 2016 thesis | Effects of ourdoor education on group cohesion among second year undergraduate teacher trainees from selected teacher education institutes in Malaysia Mazuki Mohd Yasim Ahmad, KB. (2002) An Overview of Architecture Education in the Contemporary Muslim World. In:
Petruccioli, A & Pirani, KK, 2002. Understanding Islamic Architecture, Oxon: RutledgeCurzon,
pp. 129-132.
Akib, M.S.,Yaacob, A,Jusoh,W.J.And Ibrahim,S .(2000) Muzium-muzium di Kelantan.
Malaysia. Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Kelantan.
Andaya, L.Y.(2001) The Search for the ' Origins ' of Melayu. Journal of Southeast Asian
Studiest, 32(3), 315-330
Antrop, M. (2004) Rural-urban Conflicts and Opportunities. The Dimensions of the
European Landscape, 83-91
Antrop, M. (2005) Why landscapes of the past are important for the future. Landscape
Urban Planning. 70 (l-2), 21-34
Ardalan, N.(2002) "Simultaneous Perplexi ty": The Paradise Garden as the Quintessential
Visual Paradigm of Islamic Architecture and Beyond . I..... 1649 hits |