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Simplified search suggestions : Muhd Ibrahim Bin Muhamad Damanhuri
Synthesis and characterisation of Zinc/Aluminium-Layered Double Hydroxide-L-Phenylalanate Nanocomposites using ION exchange method
Mohd Sharif Sharifah Norain, Hashim Norhayati, Md Isa Illyas, Mohd Ali Noorshida, Muhamad Damanhuri Muhd Ibrahim,
2318 hits

Pembinaan dan penilaian Perisian Multimedia Elektrokimia (PME)
Muhd Ibrahim Muhamad Damanhuri
Artikel ini menerangkan pembangunkan Perisian Multimedia Elektrokimia (PME) yang telah direka bentuk berdasarkan sukatan mata pelajaran kimia tingkatan 4 dalam topik elektrokimia. Metodologi pembangunan PME adalah berasaskan model reka bentuk Alessi dan Trollip (2001). Pembangunan PME dilakukan secara sistematik berasaskan teori-teori pembelajaran yang merangkumi teori behaviorisme, kognitif dan konstruktivisme. Tutorial telah digunakan sebagai pendekatan pedagogi utama, selain latih tubi dan simulasi. Perisian pengarangan Authorware 6.5 digunakan sebagai pelantar utama, manakala Macromedia Flash 5 digunakan untuk membina elemen-elemen animasi. Terdapat dua ujian yang dijalankan bagi menilai PME. Ujian peringkat pertama melibatkan pengedaran soal selidik di kalangan guru-guru kimia. Analisis ujian ini mendapati responden memberi penilaian yang positif terhadap isi kandungan, reka bentuk interaksi, reka bentuk persembahan dan reka bentuk informasi PME. Manakala ujian peringkat kedua mel.....

1062 hits

Designing critical pedagogy to counteract the hegemonic culture of the traditional chemistry classroom
Yusuf Marlizah, Taylor Peter Charles, Muhamad Damanhuri Muhd Ibrahim,
1522 hits

A test of analytical thinking and chemical representation ability on rate of reaction topic
Muhd Ibrahim Bin Muhamad Damanhuri
Assessments play an important role in chemistry learning and for specific uses. The construction of a test based on multiple representation approaches is needed for measuring the 21st century thinking skills. This study aims to construct and validate a standardized test to measure students’ analytical thinking and chemical representation ability in rate of reaction topic. The test captures four aspects on analytical thinking and four levels of multiple representations (macroscopic, sub-microscopic, symbolic and mathematic). A group of experts confirmed the construct and face validity of the Test of Analytical Thinking based on Multiple Representation (TAT-MR) with 32 items. The TAT-MR was then validated by participating 449 high school students. The test characteristics were analyzed usingRasch model with Partial Credit Model-1 Parameter Logistic (PCM-1PL) approach. The results of theRaschmodeling show that there are 22 TAT-MR items with excellent reliability. Hence, the TAT-MR is ac.....

1242 hits

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