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Simplified search suggestions : Nurul Ain Hidayah Abas |
1 | 2015 thesis | An investigation on supervisor-subordinate relationships: interpersonal mistreatment and conflict management styles Nurul Ain Hidayah Abas This dissertation seeks to investigate the importance of supervisor-subordinate relationships on subordinates' organizational attitudes and well-being. Prior research on this relationship has been conducted, and consistently and extensively examines the effects of supervisors' perceived attitudes and behaviors on organizational work-related outcomes. The majority of this work emphasizes communication (e.g., Bisel, Messersmith, & Kelley, 2012; Czech & Forward, 2013; Forward, Czech, & Lee, 2011), performance (Campbell & Swift, 2006; Dunegan, Uhl-Bien, & Duchon, 2002; Wakabayashi, Chen, & Graen, 2005; Wang,Law, Hackett, Wang, & Chen, 2005) and trust (Gomez, & Rosen, 2001; Knoll & Gill, 2011; Paille, Grima, & Bernardeau, 2013). Despite this abundance of research, more is required to investigate the supervisor-subordinate relationship and specifically the assessment (positive vs. negative) of this interaction on well-being, since the examination of 'soft outcomes' is critically needed (e.g...... 3260 hits |
2 | 2010 thesis | Emotional intelligence and conflict management styles Nurul Ain Hidayah Abas The research was carried out to study emotional intelligence and conflict management styles using employees in the Human Resources Division at XYZ University in Malaysia. Specifically, it aims to examine the correlation of supervisors' emotional intelligence assessed by themselves and by their subordinates. Second, this study explored if there is a relationship between emotional intelligence possessed by the supervisors and styles of handling conflict as reported by their subordinates. Three sets of surveys were used to measure the results: Emotional Quotient Index CEQI) (Self-rating), Emotional Quotient Index (EQI) (Observer) and Rahim Organisational Conflict Inventory-II (ROCI-II) Form A surveys. Results from these surveys showed that supervisors had the highest ratings on empathy but the lowest on selfregulation. Subordinates used more integrating and compromising styles when handling conflicts with their supervisors, while dominating styles were the least used. Results from multipl..... 1664 hits |