UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
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Simplified search suggestions : Abd Wahab Muda |
1 | 2006 thesis | Perbezaan pencapaian berdasarkan jantina dalam peperiksaan Matematik UPSR Abd Wahab Muda The purpose of the research is to study the differences in achievement based on gender in UPSR mathematic trial examinations. The items are grouped into 4 groups which are based on the topics of lesson, Bloom cognitive taxonomy levels, diagrams and person names used. The samples consist of year six students which are selected based on their performance which have been categoried into excellent, medium and low. Each category has 100 girls and 100 boys from 100 primary schools in Terengganu. The instrument used was UPSR trial’s examinations, mathematic paper 1 which contains 40 multiple choice items. The t-test (independent samples t-test)were used to test the hypotheses with significant level at 5 %. The results of the study indicated that the groups of items based on the topics of lesson are significant for all categories of achievers. Items based on Bloom cognitive taxonomy levels for the medium group also found to be significant. All groups of items using person’s names and diagr..... 1343 hits |