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Simplified search suggestions : Asmafitri Zanilabdin
Aplikasi Augmented Reality bagi menggalakkan pembelajaran stem dalam topik sistem suria tahun 4 (AR Sistem Suria)
Asmafitri Zanilabdin
The application named AR Sistem Suria is developed to expose the Augmented Reality technology to the students that will gives the real world scene by having virtual 3D objects on the  smart phone’s screen especially in astronomy field that students learn Solar System in Science  Standard 4. The data result consist of several perception to be measured such as functionality,  effectiveness and application design testing to the Science teachers and students in Standard 4, 5  and 6 at primary school as the respondent for this research. The research instrument consist of  questionnaire for the teachers and the students and each perception consist 5 question itself. By  referring to Likert Scale, the result review mostly the higest mean for each of the perception for  both testing on teachers and students. It is concluded that this application is acceptable and  effective as the teaching and learning kits and it is also may enhance the students’ interest in STEM learnin.....

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