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Simplified search suggestions : Muhd Fadlin Muhammad Firdaus Chan
Relationship between mindfulness and Nomophobia among teaching practice students
Muhd Fadlin Muhammad Firdaus Chan
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between mindfulness and nomophobia among teaching practice students in UPSI. This descriptive cross-sectional quantitative survey design study utilized online survey which required participants to submit responses through Google Form link distributed. Instruments used in this study were Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) and Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q). Data from N=142 teaching practice students (n=105 female, n=37 male) were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. Pearson correlation between mindfulness and nomophobia showed a surprising finding, in which no correlation (r=-0.026, N=142, p > 0.05) was found between these two variables. This study has argued that no relationship was found since the sample was recruited from a leading education university in Malaysia, hence they have been trained to be a competent prospective teacher. Besides, their nature of working which require regular phone usage also was argued to be the un.....

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