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Simplified search suggestions : Nur Izwani Mohd Shapri
The development of Bio-Gamyx module for teaching and learning Biology
Nur Izwani Mohd Shapri
The aims of this study were to develop and validate Bio-GamyX module in teaching and learning Biology for form four students. This module was developed for the topic Chemical Composition of the Cell based on the integration of Sidek and Jamaludin’s Model and the Five Steps of Applying Gamification in Education proposed by Huang and Soman. The process of developing this module involved the preparation of module draft, experts’ reviews and calculation of content validity of the module. During this process, the module draft was given to three subject matter experts consist of academicians and practitioners to be reviewed. Several recommendations were identified and amendment was done accordingly. The amended module was then evaluated for its content validity. The percentage of experts’ agreement obtained for this module ranged from 77% to 85%. This finding shows that Bio-GamyX module has a good content validity. This finding reinforces the use of gamification approach in the design .....

582 hits

Pembangunan modul Bio-GamyX dan kesannya terhadap motivasi, penglibatan dan pencapaian topik komposisi Kimia dalam sel
Nur Izwani Mohd Shapri
Kajian ini bertujuan membangunkan modul Bio-GamyX dan menentukan kesannya terhadap motivasi, pelibatan dan pencapaian topik Komposisi Kimia Dalam Sel. Kajian ini terdiri daripada dua fasa iaitu fasa pembangunan modul dan fasa menilai kesan modul. Reka bentuk kajian pembangunan digunakan dalam fasa pertama manakala reka bentuk kuasi eksperimen digunakan dalam fasa kedua. Pembangunan modul Bio-GamyX adalah berpandukan integrasi Model Pembangunan Modul Sidek dan Lima Langkah Mengaplikasi Elemen Gamifikasi Dalam Pembelajaran. Kesahan modul dinilai oleh sembilan pakar menggunakan dua instrumen iaitu soal selidik kesahan modul dan soal selidik kesahan aktiviti modul dengan indeks kesahan masing-masing 0.84 dan 0.88. Nilai kebolehpercayaan modul (Alpha Cronbach = 0.71) diperoleh melalui kajian rintis. Pada fasa kedua, responden kajian terdiri daripada 99 orang murid Biologi Tingkatan Empat daripada tiga buah sekolah menengah harian di daerah Kinta Selatan yang dipilih menggunakan.....

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