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Simplified search suggestions : Obaid Alantali Ali
Effects of organizational commitment, employee motivation and employee participation on employee performance in the United Arab Emirates banking sector
Obaid, Alantali Ali
This study aimed to investigate the effects of organizational commitment, employee motivation, and employee participation on employee performance in the United Arab Emirates banking sector and examine the mediating effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as well as the moderating effect of employee participation on relationships. Using a simple random sampling technique, a sample of 350 UAE bank employees was selected. This study adopted a quantitative approach and questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that at 0.05 significance level, affective commitment (β=0.408, t-value=6.840, p=0.001), continuance commitment (β=0.223, t-value=4.914, p=0.001), intrinsic motivation (β=0.174, tvalue= 2.344, p=0.001), and extrinsic motivation (β=0.185, t-value=2.912, p=0.001) have significant and positive effects on employee performance, but not .....

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