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Simplified search suggestions : Thavamalar Ganapathy
Female lobour force participation in Perak, Malaysia from supply and demand perspectives
Thavamalar Ganapathy
The objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of female labour force participation in Perak, Malaysia from the demand and supply sides. This study also examines the mean differences of skills and welfare facilities and the effects of savings and household classification on women's employment between employed and unemployed females, and the employers. A quantitative approach (questionnaire) with a total of 214 respondents was chosen as a sample through a stratified random sampling technique. The data are analysed by using the Binary Logistic Regression Model, Mann Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The findings of the study on the Supply side analyses had figured that age and race factors were significant at the one percent level, while parents and spouse encouragement increased the likelihood of employment for married women (60 times) compared to unmarried women. On the demand side, internship experience increases women’s employability (68 times), while ma.....

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