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Simplified search suggestions : Zirawani Baharum |
1 | 2021 article | Data visualization for distribution of people with disabilities Zirawani Baharum Data visualizations make data easier for the human brain to understand, and visualization also makes it easier to detect patterns, trends, and styles in groups of data. With the development of the data visualization, more and more data which contains the information of disabled population has been collected. However, researchers have pointed out some problems with visualizing data especially using traditional methods. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a web-based system for data visualization of disabled people distribution in Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia. Prototyping methodology was chosen in order to develop the web-based system. The results show two main interfaces of the web system which are the admin module and user module. Users may see a specific area, type of disabled people categories and the number of disabled people in the located area from the Google Map. This web system is hope to help public in identifying disabled people location using data visualization techn..... 634 hits |