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Simplified search suggestions : Lin Chia Ying
Nilai murni dalam watak utama novel kanak-kanak Xu You Bin
Lin, Chia Ying
Artikel ini merupakan sebahagian dapatan kajian  menganalisis unsur-unsur nilai murni  yang tergarap dalam watak-watak utama dari 21 buah novel kanak-kanak Xu You Bin. Fokus utama artikel  ini  memperbincangkan  fungsi  novel  kanak-kanak  dalam  pemupukan  nilai  murni  dan personaliti dalam kalangan kanan-kanak serta melapor dan menerang hasil kajian nilai murni yang kerap terpapar melalui watak utama novel Xu You Bin. Kaedah analisis teks digunakan untuk mengenal pasti nilai-nilai murni dalam novel tersebut berpandukan  14 jenis nilai-nilai murni yang tersenarai dalam Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah Pendidikan Moral (KSSR Pendidikan Moral). Nilai-nilai murni watak utama yang dirumuskan melalui perwatakan dan plot-plot novel yang dikenal pasti adalahkasih sayang dan baik hati. Kajian ini mungkin dapat memberi  implikasi  kepada  pihak  sekoloh,  guru-guru,  ibu  bapa  dan  murid-murid  khususnya dalam  pemilihan  bahan  bacaan  yang  berkualiti  tinggiÂ.....

1641 hits

Investigating of past and present teachers preparation to identify gaps and to improve pre service teachers education
Lin, Chia Ying
This research aims to identify the gaps in teacher education programs for the preservice teacher in teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL) in Malaysia. With the library research adopted in this study, a documentary study was applied, the curriculum structures of two TCSL programs namely the Bachelor Degree in Education (Chinese Language Education for Primary School-PISMP-SK) offered by IPGM (Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia) and Bachelor Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSLB) which is offered in Beijing Foreign Studies University, China (BFSU) were obtained officially. The structures of these curriculum and their contents are examined, compared and analyzed. The results show that gaps are identified:(i) in the major area of the key components of PISMPSK and TCSLB; TCSLB consists of three components with a total of 150 credit hours: the core courses, elective core courses and professionalism practices; PISMP-SK consists of six components with a .....

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