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Simplified search suggestions : Nor Azah Abdul Aziz
Penggunaaan media sosial dari perspektif psiko spiritual Islam
Nor Azah Abdul Aziz
Kertas kerja ini membincangkan tentang penggunaan media sosial dari perspektif psikospiritual Islam untuk kestabilan mental. Metodologi kajian ini merujuk kepada penggunaan maqamat dan ahwal untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkategorikan media sosial yang bersesuaian dengan psikospiritual Islam yang merujuk kepada tulisan tokoh sufi Abū alQāsim ‘Abd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin ibn ‘Abd al-Mālik ibn Talhah al-Qushayrī (376H-465H) yang berpegang dengan akidah Ahl Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. Terdapat empat puluh lima atau lebih maqāmāt dan ahwāl yang telah dianalisa oleh al-Qushayrī (Knysh, 2000). Bagaimanapun untuk kajian ini penyelidik memilih tiga maqāmāt dan tiga ahwāl yang bersesuaian dengan pengguna media sosial yang boleh dipraktiskan untuk penyucian jiwa dan kesihatan mental. Hasil kajian adalah formulasi panduan penggunaan media sosial yang sesuai dari sudut psikospiritual Islam. Kata kunci: Media Sosial, Psiko Spiritual Islam..

147 hits

Cyber security for children: parental monitoring from a technological, child psychology and Islamic psychospiritual perspective during the covid-19 pandemic
Nor Azah Abdul Aziz
Cyber ethics awareness and education is crucial when children surf the internet especially during the Covid-19 pandemic situations where internet use is a common norm. During the pandemic, children from preschool until secondary school level had to stay at home and learn online (Teaching and Learning at Home (PdPR)). In this study, interviews are conducted to parents on how children surf the internet during the pandemic and how parents monitor and advise their children. The findings of this research suggest that parental monitoring of children related to cyber issues is equally important for the children. Parents are noticeably given a lot of advice regarding the appropriate way of communicating when playing games, the types of games played by children, the commandments and prohibitions of Allah in Islam, and also the safety and healths concern of children when playing games. Not only that, but parents also suggested to government agency such as Malaysian Communications and Multimedia .....

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