UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
Total records found : 9 |
Simplified search suggestions : Manonmani Devi MAR Annamalai |
1 | 2019 article | A study on evaluating the pedagogical knowledge of school teachers Manonmani Devi Mar Annamalai Education plays an important role in a society. Each and every country around the globe has its own education system to educate their own society. In this way, Malaysia has its own education system. Here, students undergo education in different stages such as, kindergarten (pre-school), primary school (elementary), secondary school (high), and college or university. Of these, kindergarten, primary and secondary educations are in schools. School education is basic for a child. Hence, teacher role is very essential in teaching and learning process. Sultan Idris Education University is No.1 Education University which produces a lot of teachers and are been posted as teachers in various parts of the country. Thus posted teachers teach in secondary schools in Malaysia. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the pedagogy knowledge of the secondary school teachers using testing and evaluation theory. The study is limited to the Perak state teachers of Malaysia. The researcher has use..... 1143 hits |
2 | 2019 article | Gender dan Ketidakadilan dalam novel Anthimakkaalam Manonmani Devi M.A.R Annamalai Proses penciptaan sebuah karya bermula daripada pengalaman batin pengarang melihat kehidupannya dari aspek sosial, budaya, politik, ekonomi, keagamaan, moral, mahupun gender. Lantaran itu, hasil penulisannya itu yang sering kali diwarnai dan didasari oleh oleh sikap, latar belakang dan keyakinan dan kepercayaan pengarang itu sendiri. Salah satu aspek yang menarik untuk kita kaji dalam karya yang dihasilkan ialah kehadiran watak dan perwatakan wanita. Kajian ini bertitik tolak daripada kesedaran bahawa karya-karya sastera oleh pengarang lelaki sering menggambarkan wanita dengan tidak adil. Oleh itu, penelitian ini cuba menyelami sejauhmana pendirian ini menonjol dalam karya Re. Karthigesu dan melihat adakah kebenaran dalam tanggapan seumpama ini. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga cuba mendekati watak dan perwatakan wanita dalam novel Anthima kaalam membuktikan bahawa wanita mempunyai imej, pengalaman, suara, keinginan, wawasan, bahasa dan budaya mereka yang dicemari oleh ketidakadilan. Da..... 1461 hits |
3 | 2019 article | Rumpai dalam peribahasa Tamil: perspektif sains pertanian Manonmani Devi M.A.R Annamalai Kesusasteraan Tamil membuktikan kearifan pengetahuan masyarakat Tamil dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk bidang sains pertanian. Peribahasa Tamil merupakan satu daripada komponen penting dalam kesusasteraan Tamil. Peribahasa Tamil pula lahir daripada pengalaman, pemerhatian yang teliti, pandangan yang mendalam terhadap segala kejadian yang berlaku di persekitaran kehidupan seharian masyarakat Tamil. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini bertujuan meneroka kearifan dan pengetahuan sains pertanian masyarakat Tamil yang terkandung dalam peribahasa Tamil dengan memberikan tumpuan kepada unsur rumpai melalui kacamata sains pertanian. Kajian ini juga menggunakan teori hermeneutik dan kaedah analisis dokumen untuk memahami makna peribahasa dan mengetahui kandungan sains pertanian disebalik peribahasa Tamil yang dikaji. Dengan itu, dapatan menunjukkan sebilangan peribahasa Tamil yang dicipta oleh masyarakat Tamil mempunyai unsur sains pertanian di sebalik penciptaan tersebut. Peribahasa Tamil yang men..... 638 hits |
4 | 2019 article | A Study of Medical Referencees found in Tamil Proverbs Manonmani Devi M.A.R Annamalai The study is a review of the medical references found in the Tamil proverbs of Cenkani (1996) in the text entitled, Tami?n???uppa?amo?ika? 2000. It is a small attempt, to reveal the medical references practiced among the ancient Tamil people, and to exhibit them in a simple and clear way to the contemporary people. The ancestors of Tamils inscribed the medical references in Siddar songs and in palm leaf manuscript. In the ancient days, people used the proverbs as a tool to solve the medical related problems. Since, the proverbs were short, simple and understandable by all; it was a great help for the laity people. Though the proverbs have a tiny structure, the concepts have in-depth connotation. They are applicable for all the people including male, female, children and adults. Due to the importance of medical references found in Proverbs, several studies have been conducted by both local and foreign researchers. Nevertheless, the study of proverbs in medicine is a new undertaking by r..... 784 hits |
5 | 2020 article | An exposure of the problems of spinsters as depicted in the Malaysian Tamil modern poems by using events from the Ramayana epic Samikkanu Jabamoney Ishak Samuel Purpose of the study-The major objective of the research is to analyse how the events from the epic poem Ramayana are used in three Malaysian Tamil modern poems to portray the dilemma of the present-day spinsters. Methodology: The design of this study is qualitative method and the method of descriptive analysis has also been used. Main Findings: The findings show that the selected three Malaysian Tamil modern poems have been written to illustrate the problems faced by spinsters by using two events from the Ramayana. Of the three poems, one poem uses the event featuring Akalikai waiting for Rama's arrival to release her from her cursed life and two other poems showcase Sita waiting for the coming of Rama to break the bow and marry her. Applications of this study: This study is useful in finding out the effectiveness of using situations from epics to the poems of modern days in drawing examples, guidances and reflections so as to understand and find solutions to the problems of spinsters..... 777 hits |
6 | 2020 article | Attitude of higher secondary school teachers towards the Use of magic tricks in the classroom Muniisvaran Kumar Research shows that motivation and engagement are essential for effective learning and it is not an easy task to achieve. The latest technique to attract the students is to integrate humour in classroom teaching. Humour is an often-overlooked skill in teaching as the teachers are not trained in the use of humour and it is not a part of any curriculum and they consider teaching is a serious business and they are not supposed to be entertainers. Magic tricks represent one of the humour items that can be effectively used at all levels of teaching from schools to colleges. Also, it can be used as teaching aid and it can be termed as‘ice-breaker’. The ‘Primacy and recencey effect’ and ‘Zeigarnick effect’ gives a strong theoretical basis for the use of magic as an ‘ice-breaker’ in the class. Magic tricks have many benefits in teaching such as it can break the monotony of a lecture, captures and retains student attention, make the students more receptive, expands student compr..... 1652 hits |
7 | 2018 research_report | Evaluation of UPSI Tamil program pioneer batch of graduates in secondary schools in Perak Thambi Jose, Franklin Malaysia is a country which has its own education system. Here, students undergo education in different
stages such as, kindergarten (pre-school), primary school (elementary), secondary school (high), and
college or university. Of these, kindergarten, primary and secondary educations are in schools. School
education is basic for a child and the teacher role is very essential during the whole process of teaching
and learning. Sultan Idris Education University is No.1 Education University which produces a lot of
teachers and are been posted as teachers in various parts of the country. The posted teachers teach in
secondary schools of Malaysia and Tamil language teachers are one among the teachers posted. The
present study evaluates the Tamil teachers produced by UPSI. The main objectives of this study, to
evaluate the pedagogy knowledge the language skills of the secondary school Tamil teachers produced by
Tamil language programme, UPSI using Testing & Evaluation theory, to eval..... 726 hits |
8 | 2023 article | Morphophonemic parser: A study of teachers and students Franklin Thambi Jose Selistus Darling The objectives of this study were to design a morphophonemic parser (MPP) and to get feedback from teachers and students after using the designed parser. Drastic changes have occurred in the field of education after the advancement of technology. New methods and techniques with digital content are widely used in this field. One of them is the use of parsers in educational institutions. Parser is a tool that helps to facilitate teaching and learning. The MPP is a parser that can be used in the teaching and learning process. The study used a mixed mode of research which includes qualitative and quantitative research methods. 400 school teachers and students were selected as informants for this study using a simple random sampling method. The study used a questionnaire as a data collection tool and analyzed using the survey analysis method. The main findings of the study are, that an MPP is designed with a set of morphophonemic rules and most of the teachers and students are satisfied and..... 68 hits |
9 | 2023 article | Pemerkasaan komuniti sebagai elemen kepemimpinan Orang Semai dalam Novel Ludaad Saravanan P. Veeramuthu Artikel ini cuba meninjau elemen kepemimpinan Orang Semai dengan memberi tumpuan kepada pemerkasaan komuniti. Kajian ini akan mengkaji bagaimana elemen kepimpinan dalam masyarakat Semai tercermin dalam karya sastera iaitu novel Ludaad. Watak Penghulu Busu serta pemimpin-pemimpin lain akan dilihat sebagai ketua yang memimpin masyarakat Semai dalam latar novel ini. Masyarakat Semai memiliki nilai-nilai unik seperti kolektivisme dan penglibatan komuniti yang menekankan pentingnya hubungan harmoni dan saling membantu dalam kehidupan. Mereka menekankan tanggungjawab bersama dan mencapai konsensus untuk memastikan keputusan yang diambil mempertimbangkan kepentingan bersama. Penelitian ini mendapati bahawa pemerkasaan komuniti merupakan elemen penting dalam model kepemimpinan bagi masyarakat Semai Orang Asli. Model kepemimpinan mereka mencerminkan pemahaman ini dengan memberikan keutamaan kepada penggunaan tanah yang lestari dan pemuliharaan sumber daya alam.
Kata Kunci: pemerkasaan komuniti..... 57 hits |