UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
Total records found : 5 |
Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Khalid Intan Khasumarlina |
1 | 2014 article | “Healing Garden” sebagai asas mereka bentuk landskap masa kini Mohd Khalid Intan Khasumarlina, Kertas kerja ini memfokuskan kepada hubungan landskap dan kesihatan yang memerlukan perancangan yang terperinci. Rasa penyembuhan dapat dicipta menerusi gabungan “softscape” (alam semula jadi) dan “hardscape” (alam buatan). Healing Garden atau Taman Penyembuhan adalah satu perancangan landskap bertujuan meringankan tekanan di tempat kerja, di jalanan dan di rumah. Taman penyembuhan menyentuh lima deria penglihatan, pendengaran, rasa, sentuhan dan bau... 906 hits |
2 | 2023 article | PLANT ELEMENTS REINFORCING THE SENSE OF PLACE IDENTITY OF THE MUSLIM MALAY ROYAL TOWN Intan Khasumarlina Mohd Khalid Due to a lack of secure identity following the new developments in a Muslim Royal Town of high-tech modernization in the twentieth century, the craft maker created any motif with an unknown purpose. As a result, the original character of the location will be tarnished, and the image will vanish. This paper aims to identify the qualitative responses of the plant elements reinforcing the Muslim Royal Town of Kuala Kangsar, conducted semi-structured interview participants based on purposive sampling, including professionals, policymakers, and skilled practitioner's categories. The data was analyzed through qualitative coding using Atlas ti 8.0. The significant findings reveal that the flower, the color related to the flag, leaf, and types of plant, tendril/meandering cloud, the shape of the plant, and an element of the plant on a Perak Coat of Arm reflected the royal Muslim town. This finding contributes to assessing the details of the plants' motif representation to assist the city counc..... 45 hits |
3 | 2020 thesis | Place identity through plant motif on streetscapes in the Royal Town of Kuala Kangsar, Perak ,Malaysia Intan Khasumarlina Mohd Khalid The Malay Royal Towns in Malaysia are the finest examples of the evolution of the early Malay
settlements of the 16th century. However, the identity and characteristics of Malay Royal towns are
still ambiguous and constantly threatened by inordinate changes due to rapid industrialisation,
economic development and urbanization. The extensive urbanization and rapid development in
most historic towns have significantly eroded the identity, sense of place and physical
attributes of the Malay Royal Towns. In addition to existing historical monuments. which are the
pride of the Malay royal town, the peculiarity of their natural heritage factors that indicate the
identity of the place are very much required in terms of preservation and enhancement. The scope of
this research covers all of the properties which identifies cultural significance mainly
representing ornaments through plants motif on the streetscape of royal towns. This study aims to
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4 | 2004 monograph | Eksplorasi bahan alam dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran tekstil fiber Harozila Ramli Tujuan penyelidikan ini adalah untuk mengkaji explorasi bahan alam dalam penghasilan karya fiber. Penyelidikan ini juga untuk menganalisa penggunaan bahan alam, mengekplorasi pelbagai teknik serta gabungan teknik di antara bahan alam bagi penghasilan karya fiber. Penyelidikan ini juga akan menguji tahap kesesuaian bahan alam dalam penghasilan karya fiber. Pengumpulan data dibuat menerusi kaedah pemerhatian terhadap karya fiber dan temubual bersama pelajar. Pemilihan responden berdasarkan 25 orang pelajar (studio tenunan tradisional) dan 5 buah karya fiber hasil daripada kerja berkumpulan. 3 jenis teknik telah dikenal pasti iaitu teknik plain weave, taffting, coiling dan ia telah dieksperimentasi terhadap 6 jenis bahan alam iaitu tali guni, tali pisang, rotan, buluh, sabut kelapa dan kulit kayu balak. Metod kualitatif telah di pilih bagi menjadi susur galur di dalam penyelidikan ini. Data telah dikumpul dan di analisis menerusi pemerhatian terhadap karya fiber dan temubual bersama pelaj..... 2771 hits |
5 | 2019 article | Malay cultural landscape aesthetics in traditional Malay literary texts Hasrina Baharum Traditional Malay literature is a social document that can serve as a source of reference to study Malay civilization in various fields, including landscape architecture. Documentation of various types of landscape design, such as the city of the Malay kingdom, palaces and gardens in traditional Malay literary works is presented by the author through the setting in the work. Each design of the landscape is composed based on specific principles to suit the needs of the community. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to analyse the framework of the Cultural Landscape Aesthetics model with principles of the local Malay wisdom, guided by the composition of Malay city landscapes as portrayed in the traditional Malay literary texts. The design of this study is qualitative where library research methods and text analysis are used. The study is based on selected traditional Malay literary texts. The instrument used is a checklist of text analysis formulated based on the principles of ‘Theor..... 1132 hits |