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Simplified search suggestions : Nik Muhammad Hanis Nek Rakami
Pedagogical approavhes using neoro linguistis programming (NLP) strategies from perspective of NLP ttained teachers
Nik Muhammad Hanis Nek Rakami
The purpose of this study is to explore how Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) strategies applied by NLP-trained teachers as their pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning. A qualitative research was conducted among secondary school teachers in Malaysia. A total of 7 interviewees were selected. Content analysis and critical discourse analysis on analysing three sources of data collection have been carefully applied. The teachers are NLP practitioners who have been certified by the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NFNLP) and NLP Malaysia. This study identifies strategies of NLP that have been applied in the teaching and learning process. The strategies include ‘building rapport’, ‘representational system’, ‘logical level’, ‘Milton Models’, ‘metaphors’ and ‘anchoring’. The findings indicate that NLP is a viable means of teaching and learning practices in the classroom, but it needs flexibility due to the obstacles faced in its practices......

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