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Simplified search suggestions : Norzuraina binti Mohd Nor
Students cognitive development through improvisations in a theatre game-based approach
Norzuraina binti Mohd Nor
This study aims to examine students’ cognitive development during the teaching and learning of the topic of Mixed-media Paintings using a theater game-based approach. This study is based on a qualitative approach which involving 8 Form Five students who were selected as the study sample. Data were collected through observations where the researchers examined the learning process which involving five sessions, namely induction, perceptions of art, applications of art, expressions of art, and art in life. Teachers were provided with the modules of theater games and a teaching plan as a guideline for the theater game-based approach in teaching the subject matter based on Bloom’s taxonomic levels of mastery. Data was analyzed using Nvivo software to reveal students’ level of cognitive development based on the twenty-first century learning skills as they performed selected theater games during the learning of Fine Art Specialization. The finding shows that students made several sponta.....

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