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Simplified search suggestions : SetVengidason Sethuprakhash AL
Importance of safety in a workshop at schools for a safe and effective teaching and learning sessions
SetVengidason, Sethuprakhash A.L.
Dangerous situations can develop at any time in a workshop if the people who use the workshop are not alert. It can be very dangerous even though a simple mistake occurs when the safety procedures are compromised. This research aims to obtain the perception and comments from students regarding their knowledge about workshop safety in schools. The objective of this research is to acquire the perception and comments from Faculty of Technical and Vocational, Sultan Idris Education University students. There are 5 different questions distributed among the students for them to give their judgements. This study is an interview based approach. The data was collected by distributing the questions to 148 students and 35 student?s answers were randomly picked to be analysed. The students are expected to give their perception and comments based on their knowledge and observation about workshop safety and its practises in secondary schools. Results show that, around 40% of the students feel that a.....

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