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Subject: LB Theory and practice of education (1579 items)
1551Tinjauan tahap persepsi pengetahuan Pedagogi dan kesediaan pengajaran guru Sains dalam mengaplikasikan Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT)final_year_project
1552Tinjauan tentang tahap pengetahuan dan kesediaan terhadap perubahan iklim dalam kalangan guru pelatih Sains dan Biologi Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idrisfinal_year_project
1553Transitioning from scratch to Java a mixed method investigation into students\ learning processesarticle
1554Trend of stem and connection of cognitives for carrer interestarticle
1555Trends and factors for dropout among secondary school students in Perak article
1556Trilingual learning model through traditional games : an overview from an Indonesian kindergarten article
1557Tunisian mothers perception of their young childrens interactive screen time at home article
1558Understanding the levels of productivity of teachers who are exposed to in-service trainingarticle
1559Unlocking the potential of game-based learning for soft skills development a comprehensive reviewarticle
1560Unsur ‘niat moral dalam teater forum : satu kajian tindakan di kelas Pendidikan Moral article
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