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Subject: LB Theory and practice of education (1579 items)
1571Validity and reliability of assessment instruments for special needs students (AISNS) based on invasion category games in physical education article
1572Virtual learning among ESL Teachers in Malaysian secondary schools during COVID-19article
1573Visualised worked examples for learning introductory programming at tertiary levelthesis
1574Vocabulary levels test and word associates test : can they measure language proficiency? article
1575Weaving Culture and Science A reflection on teaching science through story-tellingarticle
1576Web-Based Management System for Self-Pace AC10 Program Checkerfinal_year_project
1577XTVT@BHEA Disember 2024bulletin
1578XTVT@BHEA Januari 2024bulletin
1579Youtube and Preschoolers: A Narrative Review of Literaturearticle
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