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Year: 2014 (247 items)
31Astigmatism compensation in digital holographic microscopy using complex-amplitude correlation conference_item
32Becoming, collaboration and other alchemy a descriptive study of a creative work that usesprocess-relational philosophy to illustrate how music creation can be viewed as research article
33Bentuk pendidikan secara nonformal dan informal yang berlaku ke atas peranan kurator dan kuratorial BSVN thesis
34C23-Carbazole Alkaloids from the bark of Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng article
35Candi Sungai Batu (Tapak SB1) kearifan tempatan dalam teknologi pembuatan bata dan seni bina Candi article
36Catan batik Najib Dawa article
37Categorizing polytechnic engineering learning activities based on students learning style article
38Chitosan as an ionophore in a polyvinyl chloride based electrode for pH detection thesis
39Climate change and hydrometeorological influence on water resources a study on 2014 water rationing in Selangor, Malaysia article
40Conceptions of learning through learning styles and cognitive dimension in vocational education article
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