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Year: 2018 (622 items)
1'The truth behind : Nelayan Seberang Takir'final_year_project
2A case study of the sentence final particle “BA” ’s pragmatic functions in chinese-speaking children article
3A factor analysis of students’ attitudes towards statistics in higher learning institution Malaysia article
4A new methodology for evaluation and benchmarking of skin detector based on ai model using multi criteria analysis thesis
5A pedagogical canon for electric guitar: an Australian cultural perspective article
6A study on the effects of participation in a virtual community on willingness to communicate among Pre-Service ESL teachersresearch_report
7A study on the impact of video blogs in reducing ESL learners public speaking anxietyresearch_report
8Achieving high income nation: study on impact of internal and external factors in Malaysia article
9Acute effects of unilateral versus bilateral resistance training on heart rate, blood pressure and rate of perceived exertion article
10Adaptasi kesusasteraan rakyat cerita jenaka Melayu dalam karya seni cetakan kontemporari thesis
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