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A comprehensive review on pre-university student essay writing: issues and recommendations
Zulkarnain Farihin Abdullah
The purpose of this comprehensive review is to discuss the issues that pre-university students often face when writing essays and to propose an alternative approach to implementing the teaching of essay writing such as the use of thinking maps. The focus of this study is to look at the writing status of pre-university in Malaysia as well as the suggestions proposed by researchers through the articles highlighted. Highlights of the study found that one of the key issues that hindered pre-university students from writing essays was the failure of students to master the writing skills and the choice of teacher teaching strategies. In addition, it also indicated that both of these issues have caused students failure to perform well in essay writing. The study also suggests the use of thinking maps in the teaching and learning process of writing essays. Thinking maps are also effective in helping and enhancing students ‘achievement in essay writing. The implications of the study indicate .....

328 hits

Towards innovation beyond education and society:rethinking current research for future direction
Miftachul Huda
The recent development of emerging technologies has been transmitted into the wide range of society sectors, involving education, business and also social interaction. The seemingly detailed indicator as an example is through online-based instruction in underlying the entire process (Anshari et al., 2017). In other sectors for instance, how the ethics is being an important part on driving the digital society in running its applicability in an appropriate manner (Huda, 2021). The further exploration comes to highlight the potentials of engaging the digital tools for the society purpose together with current trend adoption (Doyle & Brady, 2018)...

326 hits

The Use of audiovisual media in learning and Its impact on learning outcomes of Islamic cultural history at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Pasaman
The history of Islamic culture is part of the subjects in the Islamic Religious Education curriculum which is considered difficult by most students, it is said so because the content contained in these subjects is generally located outside Indonesia which geographically has never been visited by students. Therefore, it takes the right media to teach it to students. The research was conducted using the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method, where the researcher was directly involved with learning activities, while the object of this research was class VIII MTs Negeri 4 Pasaman. The results of the study are that the use of audio-visual media has an impact on learning outcomes of Islamic cultural history, this conclusion is based on the understanding and accuracy of students in answering several questions that are distributed after the treatment, students are also able to show the geographical location contained in world geography. These results prove that audiovisual media has an im.....

319 hits

The Islamicity of the Lanao Sultanate practices on land grant with special reference to the political thought of al-Mawardi on land grant
Hadji Abdul Racman, Sohayle M.
The Muslim Maranaos in Mindanao, Philippines established the Lanao Sultanate in 1616 and it continues until today as a traditional governance. It shows that there is a sizeable research gap on the Lanao Sultanate practices on land grant, moreover, the Islamicity of Lanao Sultanate practices on land grant has been little represented in the Philippines literature, in fact, there is not a single published paper focusing on this subject. Thus, this research will explore the Lanao Sultanate practices on land grant with special reference to the political thought of al-Māwardī to establish the Islamicity of Lanao Sultanate practices on land grant. Abū al-Ḥasan ‘Ali Ibn Muḥāmmād Ibn Habīb al-Māwardī was born on 972 C.E. in Basra, Iraq. He worked as a qādī (judge), and juridical adviser at the court of the caliph al-Qa’im. He has immense knowledge on fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Qur’ān interpretation, religion, government, public and constitutional law, language, ethics, a.....

387 hits

The idea of religious pluralism:response from Islamic religious education teachers in Semarang City and Demak, Central Java, Indonesia
The problem of this research is the response of Islamic Religious Education teachers in Semarang City and Demak Regency to the idea of religious pluralism. Meanwhile, the purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the notion of religious pluralism as an alternative solution for harmony and tolerance between religious communities is understood and addressed by Islamic Religious Education teachers in Semarang City and Demak Regency. The method used in this research is in-depth interviews, newspaper documentation, books, online media, and discourse analysis with an Islamic worldview perspective. The results showed that the majority of Islamic Religious Education teachers in Semarang City and Demak Regency rejected the idea of religious pluralism as an alternative solution to the realization of harmony and tolerance between religious communities in Indonesia. They consider this understanding not from the Islamic tradition, which tends to contradict Islam and endanger the ex.....

249 hits

Rural micro-financing and food insecurity in Nigeria
Adegboyega, Raymond
Background: Significantly, micro and small-scale farmers have contributed to the manufacturing output, employment and exports of Nigeria but in the area of food security they are lacking. The growing hunger in the land, worsened by the vanishing purchasing power of most Nigerians especially in the rural areas is a threat no serious government can afford to treat with indifference. However, access to timely and reliable financing at competitive rates, remains a key bottleneck in the growth of this sector for effective food security. From the foregoing, this study examined the impact of rural micro financing on food insecurity in Nigeria. Materia3s and Methods: The study was carried out in Oyo state through survey design on a sample of 164 respondents drawn from six (6) villages and the data collected though the questionnaire and interview were used for descriptive analysis with logit and tobit regression methods of analysis. Results: The results of the survey showed that lack of credi.....

390 hits

Penyoalan lisan dalam pengajaran Pendidikan Islam
Liyana Maisarah Ismail
Pendidikan Islam merupakan subjek yang perlu dikuasai oleh setiap murid yang beragama Islam selaras dengan objektif Falsafah Pendidikan Islam ke arah kemenjadian murid secara seimbang dari sudut penguasaan pengetahuan, kemahiran, nilai dan tingkah laku. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyorot pelaksanaan penyoalan lisan dalam pengajaran Pendidikan Islam melalui strategi pengajaran yang digunakan oleh guru serta aplikasinya dalam topik tayamum. Sorotan ini mendapati penggunaan penyoalan lisan guru adalah penting untuk menghasilkan pengajaran yang berkesan serta membantu mengasah kemahiran berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis murid...

279 hits

Pengamalan nilai takwa sebagai elemen pembinaan jati diri dalam kalangan mahasiswa muslim di IPT
Abu Zarrin Selamat
Mengkaji elemen penghayatan takwa sebagai elemen teras pembinaan jati diri dalam kalangan mahasiswa muslim Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) merupakan satu kajian penting bagi melihat tahap kefahaman mereka terhadap konsep takwa yang menjadi paksi kepada kedudukan seseorang manusia di sisi Allah SWT. Keberadaan elemen takwa dalam diri akan membawa seseorang muslim itu senantiasa dalam kondisi berwaspada ketika membuat keputusan dalam kehidupan. Melihat kepada produk UPSI dalam melahirkan tenaga pendidik memungkinkan kajian ini dilakukan agar dapatan kajian ini dapat dijadikan asas kepada keberhasilan produk UPSI yang benar-benar baik dan berkualiti dalam memacu dunia pendidikan negara. Kajian tinjauan ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif di mana terdapat 4 objektif kajian telah ditetapkan menerusi soal selidik yang diedarkan menggunakan kaedah dalam talian. Kajian ini telah menggunakan seramai 647 orang sampel dalam kalangan mahasiswa muslim UPSI dari pelbagai fakulti, bidang pen.....

205 hits

Mastery learning as learning model to meet the passing grade of Al-Quran Hadith subject at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 4 Padang Pariaman
Al-Qur'an Hadith learning activities at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah are faced with the difficulty of meeting the passing grade because there are those who have not studied the Qur'an before being accepted at the madrasa so they do not know the hijaiyah letters. To overcome this problem, certain learning models are needed, so as to produce quality learning. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the implementation of mastery learning in meeting the passing grade on al-Qur'an Hadith subject. The study was carried out by implementing the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method. This approach was used so that researchers not only took data for study needs but also contributed to the object under study along with the completion of the study. Based on the results, al-Qur'an Hadith learning outcomes could meet the passing grade by implementing mastery learning and in line with increasing motivation after the mastery learning implementation...

231 hits

Keberkesanan Modul Ulul Albab secara atas talian: satu kajian di Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Abdul Hanis Embong
Ulul Albab merupakan istilah yang tidak asing lagi di Malaysia. Ia dikaitkan dengan konsep pembelajaran integrasi antara aspek keagamaan dengan akademik sama ada pada peringkat rendah, menengah mahu pun tinggi. Di institusi pendidikan tinggi seperti di Universiti Malaysia Terengganu misalnya, terdapat kursus berbentuk keagamaan yang membawa konsep Ulul Albab telah ditawarkan kepada pelajar dikenali dengan kursus Personaliti Ulul Albab. Kursus ini memfokuskan kepada hafalan al-Quran serta memahami elemen Ulul Albab yang digariskan oleh al-Quran. Namun begitu, Modul Ulul Albab ini terpaksa dilaksanakan secara atas talian sepenuhnya oleh kerana Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan PKP. Oleh itu, dua objektif artikel ini telah ditetapkan iaitu melihat keberkesanan Modul Ulul Albab secara atas talian dan kemampuan kursus dalam memberi penghayatan kerohanian keagamaan dalam diri pelajar. Kajian ini berbentuk kuantitatif dengan menggunakan soal selidik Google Form untuk mendapatkan maklumat responden .....

278 hits

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