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8901 | 2010 thesis | Effect sizes of fixed and random effects model in meta-analysis Foo, Chuan Hui Over a few decades ago, meta-analysis has rapidly developed in various fields of studies to improve the quality of previous research by quantitative review. Quantitative review assesses an overall magnitude of the effect from multiple studies. Hence, the objective in this dissertation is to determine the methods of finding effect sizes for different conditions in meta-analysis. Two key findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, vote-counting method will be applied if the effect size estimates are not available. Next, fixed effects and random effects methods will be used in combining the effect size estimates when effect size estimates can be calculated. 55 Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) on Tamoxifen treatment for early breast cancer patients are observed according to recurrences and mortality cases, respectively. The data is then analysed by using the latest statistical software, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) version 2.0. CMA is found to be beneficial and interactive in t..... 756 hits |
8902 | 2010 thesis | Propaganda dan perang dalam era konfrontasi Malaysia-Indonesia, 1963-1966 Sahul Hamid Mohamed Maiddin This dissertation examines the propaganda and psychological warfare launched during Malaysian-Indonesian Confrontation, 1963-1966. Propaganda and psychological warfare bears an identical meaning namely the art of persuasion either to reinforce the courages or to diminish the abilities of the target groups. The dissertation also discusses the inception of Malaysia which led to the Confrontation. It begins with the ideas and efforts on Malaysia's formation, adverse reaction by the opponents and then to reconciliation measures. To obtain a clearer understanding, it also surveys the ambience of Indonesian politics and foreign policies besides Indonesian propaganda on Malaysia. Malaysian counter-propaganda towards Indonesia is explained in two forms; propaganda of words and propaganda of deeds. Propaganda is not merely verbal and writings, in fact it entails concomitant deeds or actions ensuing the words uttered. This dissertation is carried out mainly by the method of primary sources studi..... 1195 hits |
8903 | 2010 thesis | The impacts of outdoor education toward group cohesion and outdoor education attitude among student from IPGM, Kampus Temenggung Ibrahim, Johor Mazuki Mohd Yasim The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of outdoor education toward group cohesion and outdoor education attitude. The samples in the study were students from Department of Physical Education, Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kampus Temenggung Ibrahim, Johor Bahru, Johor. Sixty three (n=63) students participated with 32 serve as experimental group and 31 served as control group. The duration of the programme four days and three nights with both control and experimental group experience the same programme except team building activities which serve as a treatment for experimental group. This study seeks to explore the effects of outdoor education camp and sociodemographic variables (age, gender, place of living, and previous outdoor experience) on group cohesion and outdoor education attitudes. Group Environmental Questionnaire (GEQ) and Outdoor Education Attitude Inventory (OEAI) were used to gather quantitative data from pre and post-tests. Results from the present stud..... 1516 hits |
8904 | 2014 thesis | Stress, self-esteem, and parenting styles in adolescent students with smoking behavior in Banda Aceh Dina Amalia There is an increasing number of young smokers in Indonesia that has become a serious concern in recent years. Therefore, this study aimed to examine Indonesian adolescents' smoking based on related variables i.e. stress, self-esteem, and parenting styles. Survey method with purposive random sampling was used in this study with a set inclusion criteria includingmale gender and age of 15 to 18 years old. A total of 106 students (54 smokers and 52 non smokers) from four senior high schools in Banda Aceh, Indonesia participated. The measures used were the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ). This study found that there were differences in stress and self-esteem level as well as certain parenting practices between smoking and non-smoking adolescents. This study did not find a relationship between stress and self-esteem in smoking adolescents, but stress and self-esteem correlated differentially with certain parenting ..... 886 hits |
8905 | 2010 thesis | Penggunaan dan integrasi muzik dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Prasekolah Seri Mawar, Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kampus Ipoh: satu kajian kes Hanizah Abdul Bahar The study focuses on a preschool teacher's perception and views about the usage and the integration of music in her daily teaching and learning process in her classroom at Prasekolah Seri Mawar, Institut Pendidikan Guru, Karapus Ipoh, Hulu Kinta, Perak. This qualitative research uses the case study method as the main aspect of the research. Three major questions were derived and the data were gained through interviews, observations, field notes and other related academic research. The questions were; (1) When is music used to help the preschool teacher in her daily teaching and learning process?; (2) How does the preschool teacher integrate and use music in her teaching and learning process? and; (3) What are the problems faced by preschool teacher when using and integrating music into classroom? An interview protocol with semi structured questions was constructed as the research instrument. Observations were recorded and written as field notes for analysis. Data results were coded and..... 1717 hits |
8906 | 2014 thesis | Kajian Seni Berbari di Terengganu dan Kelantan Mardiana Ismail Seni Berbari merupakan seni persembahan teater tradisional berbentuk tradisi lisan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan elemen-elemen yang membentuk Seni Berbari seperti ruang dan masa persembahan, koleksi cerita, tema penceritaan, plot dan aksi, watak, penggunaan bahasa, kehadiran melodi, bunyi dan juga muziknya. Selain itu juga memperkenalkan aspek-aspek kekaguman yang terkandung di dalam Seni Berbari seperti Tok Bari yang dilabel sebagai personaliti istimewa, penggunaan mantera yang berkaitan dengan unsur-unsur shaman dan shamanisme, kostum, set dan prop juga di bincangkan dalam kajian ini. Kesemua elemen-elemen ini di kupas menggunakan pendekatan Teori Dramatik dan pendekatan Teori Ritual. Hasilnya kajian ini berjaya mendedahkan struktur dan fungsi Seni Berbari sebagai satu persembahan tradisional yang berbentuk tradisi lisan. Melalui pendedahan mengenai struktur dan fungsi ini, pengkaji berhasrat memperlihatkan perspektif lain Seni Berbari melalui pentafsiran elemen-el..... 642 hits |
8907 | 2016 article | The evolution of Polpolot : innovation and continuity in a Baluan song form Lewis Tony, 520 hits |
8908 | 2014 thesis | Penglibatan mahasiswa dalam reformasi politik Thailand, 1970-1990-an Rabaah Abdullah Kajian ini membincangkan penglibatan mahasiswa dalam reformasi politik Thailand dari 1970 hingga 1990-an yang telah memberi impak yang besar terhadap politik dan rakyat Thailand. Fokus utama kajian menjurus kepada peranan yang dimainkan oleh aktivis mahasiswa 1970-an khususnya dari Universiti Thammasat, Universiti Chulalongkorn serta Persatuan National Student Center of Thailand (NSCT) dalam usaha membentuk politik yang lebih demokratik di Thailand. Perbincangan berkisar kepada faktor-faktor yang mendorong keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam aktivitiaktiviti yang berunsurkan politik dan sosial serta kesannya kepada kesedaran politik dalam kalangan masyarakat umum. Sclain itu, pengaruh dan kerjasama aktivis mahasiswa dalarn Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan termasuk kesatuan-kesatuan buruh dan petani turut dibcri tumpuan. Kajian ini juga memberi penekanan kepada insiden 14 Oktober 1973, 6 Oktober 1976 dan Mei 1992 yang memperlihatkan keterlibatan mahasiswa secara langsung dalam reformasi politik di Th..... 926 hits |
8909 | 2010 thesis | Teaching and learning international survey (TALIS): secondary analysis of Malaysian database Nurul Aini Bakar This research is a secondary analysis of Malaysian TALIS database. TALIS is an International study undertaken by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that focus on the working conditions of teachers and the learning environment in schools. TALIS examine aspects of teachers' professional development, teacher beliefs, attitudes and practices, teacher appraisal and feedback, and school leadership from the point of view of teachers and school principals. Using the TALIS database, this research examines the aspect of teacher beliefs, attitudes and practices and its influence on teacher self-efficacy. Statistical analysis techniques such as Item Response Theory (IRT), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) were employed in this research. Findings of the research indicate that there are significant relationships between teachers' self-efficacy and teachers' beliefs, attitudes and practices. Factors like classroom disciplinary climate..... 1394 hits |
8910 | 2013 thesis | Values and identities of women entrepreneurs: a study of Muslim women of Malay ethnicity in Malaysia Suraini Mohd Rhouse This thesis investigates how Islam, culture, and gender intersect in Malay women's construction of their entrepreneurial identities. Interest in this research study grew out of my own experiences of working as an entrepreneur in Malaysia in 1996. Entrepreneurship has long been internationally recognised as an engine for economic growth and development, and this is equally the case in Malaysia. Yet research and theorising of entrepreneurial experiences remain largely rooted in traditional functionalist perspectives which tend to be androcentric, white, and Western in bias. These perspectives and have also limited the range of ways in which women's experiences of entrepreneurship have been defined and understood. This study built upon culture as a root metaphor perspective, an aspect of social constructionist theorising as a methodological framework to underpin the study. Based on the interview data, the construction of women entrepreneurs' identity is complex because of the interweaving..... 915 hits |
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