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Simplified search suggestions : Mazlina Mat Darus |
1 | 2013 monograph | Membangun dan menguji keberkesanan modul BBM-VATA bagi tajuk elektronik tingkatan lima Mazlina Mat Darus Kajian yang dijalankan ini adalah bertujuan untuk membangun dan menguji keberkesanan modul bahan bantu mengajar yang berasaskan rakaman video yang dikenali sebagai Visualization Approach Teaching Aid (BBM-VATA). Modul yang dibangunkan ini mengandungi kesemua subtopik yang terkandung di dalam silibus subjek Fizik Tingkatan 5 bagi topik Elektronik. Walau bagaimanapun, hanya 2 subtopik yang telah diuji keberkesanannya memandangkan responden adalah terdiri daripada para pelajar Tingkatan 4. Ini adalah disebabkan pelajar Tingkatan 5 di semua sekolah tidak dibenarkan untuk terlibat dengan mana-mana aktiviti penyelidikan selaras dengan arahan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM). Subtopik yang diuji ini tidak memerlukan pengetahuan sedia ada yang memerlukan kefahaman di peringkat asas, oleh itu pelajar Tingakatan 4 sesuai dijadikan responden. Bagi subtopik Osiloskop Sinar Katod (OSK), ujian keberkesanan telah dijalankan di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Sagu, Kuantan, Pahang. Hasil kajian ..... 716 hits |
2 | 2017 article | Green synthesis of ag nanoparticles for water treatment (antimicrobial on Eschirichia coli) Mazlina Mat Darus Green synthesis approach was used to synthesis silver (Ag) nanoparticles. In this study, a one-step method was employed via hydrothermal technique. Samples are synthesized at different temperatures and times. All samples were characterized by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). The morphology of the as-synthesized Ag samples are consists of nanoparticles and nanoplates with the diameter is in the range of 45 - 140 nm. The Ag nanoparticles were tested on Gram-Negative bacteria, Eschirichia coli (E.coli) which represent as an indicator for water pollution by using disc diffusion methods. Different concentrations of Ag nanoparticles were used to treat E.coli which is at 25 μg/ml, 50 μg/ml and 100 μg/ml respectively. The results show that for every samples, the inhibition zone of the E.coli increased as the concentration of Ag nanoparticles increased. Ag nanoparticles which synthesized at 100°C/ 8 hrs exhibits the most optimum inhibition zone for the growth of E.coli d..... 431 hits |
3 | 2019 article | Mi-EM: mobile-based learning through moodle apps for electromagnetism Mazlina Mat Darus Recently, mobile-based learning is proliferating and has contributed significant benefits in education. This study discusses the development of an interactive module based on Modul Interaktif Elektromagnetik (MI-EM), a mobile-based learning approach which provides learning notes, videos and simulations, the example of problem-solving, exercises and also a quiz which focusses on Electromagnetic Induction topic. This study aims to assist students in learning this topic effectively. The concept used in developing MI-EM was based on ADDIE Instructional Model. This module is consists of five subtopics, and the learning outcomes were adapted from post-secondary school‘s syllabus as determined by the Ministry of Education. Theorie involved are Mayer's Cognitive Multimedia and Bloom's Taxonomy. Four cognitive levels are being embedded in this module, including; remember, understand, apply, and analyze which students will acquire when using this module. The MI-EM was developed by using Powe..... 1296 hits |
4 | 2023 article | The development of an interactive learning module for Physics subject in Post-Secondary institution a need analysis Mazlina Mat Darus New approach in teaching and learning (T&L) is essential to sustain the evolvement of knowledge towards a borderless frame. One way to achieve this is by utilizing technology, particularly in T&L with the aim to scaffold the process of knowledge transfer efficiently. In order to adapt to the changes, educators must keep their pace synchronized with the latest innovation in teaching tools, which is common in the field of e-learning. The lack of T & L tools, particularly in learning Physics subjects and the challenges in mastering the concepts are the motivation for a need analysis to be carried out for post-secondary students. This study is crucial to elucidate the actual needs among educators as well as students and to address the choice of topics and preferable methods. The respondent of this study consists of 38 Physics lecturers from eight matriculation colleges under the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, selected through random sampling. A survey form was developed and validated by ..... 76 hits |