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Simplified search suggestions : Nadirah Mohd Azmi |
1 | 2011 thesis | Mekanisme penyelesaian pertikaian wilayah antara Malaysia dengan negara jiran: kajian kes sempadan laut Sulawesi dan Limbang Nadirah Mohd Azmi As a developing country strategically located in Southeast Asia, Malaysia is faced with the threat of territorial and maritime disputes from neighboring countries, especially after the declaration of New Map in 1979. According to this dispute, research was about to see the importance of bilateral negotiation mechanism than other mechanisms in solving the two case studies of territorial disputes based on selected cases of the Celebes Sea and Limbang border. There are three main objectives of this study. First, analyzed territorial dispute highlights which Malaysia had been involve as well as the chosen mechanism. Second, study selected mechanisms and the factors that constraint the conflict through a case study in the Sulawesi Sea dispute and in Limbang border and third to analyze the extent of effective bilateral negotiation mechanisms to be used in the case study of the Celebes Sea and Limbang border. Qualitative method had been used in data collection and applies theory of liberalism..... 2310 hits |
2 | 2018 thesis | The consequences of securitizing health crises in Southeast Asia: opportunities or obstacles Nadirah Mohd Azmi The debate on the positive and negative dimensions of security tends to draw from securitization theory. Securitization theory has provided a service to this debate by exploring what happens when particular threats are labelled as a security issue by the securitizing actors. The positive/negative debate of securitization theory, especially in relation to migration, the environment and health, has been well established over the last decade. However, like other international relations (IR) theories, securitization theory is arguably 'western-centric' in outlook and scope, and the debate has not reflected the voices and experiences of other regional contexts. This thesis contributes to securitization debates by adding the perspective and experience of the Southeast Asia region. Southeast Asia provides a complex testing site for the securitization processes and debates in relation to a key public 'security' challenge, that of public health. The thesis empirically tests the consequences of ..... 904 hits |
3 | 2021 article | The implications of securitising health crises: the case of Southeast Asia Nadirah Mohd Azmi This article examined the consequences of linking health as a regional security issue. Securitisation Theory (hereinafter ST) is an innovative approach to understand how Non-Traditional Security (from now on NTS) is deemed as a posing threat to a referent object. Prioritising NTS issue as a security threat enables the issue to receive a higher degree of importance from policymakers, thereby gathering the resources needed in dealing with the threat. However, addressing NTS issues also bring negative implications; it can divert attention from more concerning issues. This article, therefore, investigated the consequences of securitising health issues at the Southeast Asian level. This was done through triangulating academic materials, ASEAN?s official statements, and semi-structured elite interviews on Southeast Asian health policy discourses between 1967 and 2010. This study argues that while there are some disadvantages to regional efforts in constructing pandemic disease as a regional ..... 332 hits |
4 | 2011 thesis | Mekanisme penyelesaian pertikaian wilayah antara Malaysia dengan negara jiran: kajian kes sempadan laut Sulawesi dan Limbang Nadirah Mohd Azmi Sebagai sebuah negara membangun yang terletak strategik di rantau Asia Tenggara, Malaysia berdepan dengan ancaman pertikaian wilayah dan maritim daripada negara-negara jirannya terutama sekali selepas Pengisytiharan Peta Baru tahun 1979. Berdasarkan isu pertikaian ini, persoalan kajian yang di bincangkan adalah untuk melihat kepentingan mekanisme rundingan secara bilateral berbanding mekanisme lain dalam menyelesaikan pertikaian wilayah melalui dua kajian kes yang dipilih iaitu kes sempadan Laut Sulawesi dan Limbang. Terdapat tiga objektif utama kajian ini. Pertama menganalisa sorotan isu-isu pertikaian wilayah yang pemah dihadapi Malaysia serta mekanisme yang dipilih. Kedua, mengkaji mekanisme yang dipilih serta faktor yang mengekang konflik tersebut melalui kajian kes pertikaian di Laut Sulawesi dan di Limbang dan ketiga mengkaji sejauhmana mekanisme rundingan secara bilateral berkesan untuk digunakan dalam kajian kes sempadan Laut Sulawesi dan Limbang. Kajian ini menggunakan kaeda..... 136 hits |