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Simplified search suggestions : Tee Tze Kiong
Pengintegrasian kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi merentas kurikulum standard sekolah menengah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran
Tee Tze Kiong
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasi kemahiran berfikir atas tinggi (KBAT) Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah (KSSM) dengan membangun dan menilai modul Peta Minda Buzan (PMB) bagi mata pelajaran Pendidikan Asas Vokasional (PAV). Keberkesanan modul PMB terhadap pelajar tingkatan satu PAV diuji melalui tahap pencapaian pelajar. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan reka bentuk kuasi ekperimental yang terdiri daripada satu kumpulan rawatan dan satu kumpulan kawalan yang melibatkan 88 orang pelajar. Data pencapaian pelajar dianalisis dengan ujian pra dan ujian pos pencapaian. Kumpulan kawalan mengikuti kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara konvensional berasaskan modul sedia ada manakala kumpulan rawatan pula diberikan rawatan semasa pembelajaran menggunakan Modul PMB. Perbezaan min pencapaian pelajar dianalisis dengan perisian SPSS dan tahap penguasaan PMB dinilai dengan rubrik PMB. Secara keseluruhan, dapatan kaj ian mendapati pelaj ar tingkatan satu PAV .....

2114 hits

Contributing factors towards difficulties in generating ideas among technical students
Yee Mei Heong, Md Yunos Jailani, Hassan Razali, Mohamad Mimi Mohaffyza, Othman Widad, Tee Tze Kiong,
Idea is a thought or collection of thoughts that are important to decision making and problem solving. The purpose of this research was to analysis the factors contributing to difficulty in generating ideas among technical students. A total of 375 technical students from four technical universities in Malaysia were randomly selected as samples. A set of questionnaires was developed and used as research instrument. The findings indicated that a total of 319 (85.1%) technical students faced difficulties in solving individual assignments. Most of the problem faced by technical students is the difficulty of generating ideas for solving individual assignments. The most difficult individual assignment is critical review or summary of articles. Deadlock of ideas is the most important factor in the difficulty to generate ideas among technical students. A total of 261 students (69.6%) also believed that the difficulty of generating ideas is a key factor affecting the achievement of the students.....

1979 hits

The development and evaluation of the qualities of thinking skills module
Tee Tze Kiong, Azhari Azman Mohamed Nor, Md Yunos Jailani, Yee Mei Heong, Mohamad Mimi Mohaffyza, Mohamad Baharom, Othman Widad,
Using self-instructional modules could be an alternative approach and make significant contributions to teaching and learning. Module is a planned series of learning activities designed carefully to assist the learners to accomplish certain specific objectives based on individual differences, interest and capability on learning. An attempt to develop and implement a modular approach on teaching thinking skills was made in the secondary school. This paper will discuss various components of this modular approach by referring to Meyer Model. Fleiss’s Kappa was used to determine the degree to which consensus agreement ratings vary from the rate expected by chance, with values greater than .60 Indicating substantial non-chance agreement. Fleiss’s Kappa for the inter-rater reliability score was κ = .6357, S.E. = .0990, 95% C.I. = .4416 to .8298, which can be taken to represent constant agreement among three raters for the instrument “Rating scale for the qualities of a module”. The .....

2597 hits

Vocational pedagogy a dimension of vocational learning with workplace requirement
Mohamad Mimi Mohaffyza, Yee Mei Heong, Tee Tze Kiong, Rajuddin Muhammad Rashid,
Rapid changes are taking place in industry, the labor market, work to work organization. The changes of taking places in industry have an important implication for Vocational Education and Training (VET). These widespread changes have significant implications for the learning requirement of workers and for the pedagogical methods to facilitate that learning. This paper focuses in the learning of instructor, learners in the perspective of their readiness with teaching and learning challenge in VET. Some theoretical consideration in behavioral and cognitive psychology will be discussed derived from the concept of learning content vocational institutions; pedagogical strategies such as demonstration, practice and feedback implemented by the instructors for learning occur. The learners’ preferences based on their characteristics to cater their ability to learn in VET. Learners’ learning styles were investigated to identify their preferences in learning and match with the curriculum and.....

1553 hits

Thinking skills for secondary school students in Malaysia
Tee Tze Kiong, Md Yunos Jailani, Hassan Razali, Yee Mei Heong, Hussein Atan, Mohamad Mimi Mohaffyza,
The purpose of this research was to identify the level of higher order thinking skills among lower secondary students in Malaysia. A higher order thinking skills test was modified and distributed to 384 students throughout the whole country to assess their higher order thinking skills levels. The results showed that higher order thinking skills levels among the students were at very low level. The findings also revealed that there was a low positive significant relationship between the higher order thinking skills and academic result, r = 0.468, p < 0.05. In addition, the results indicated that there was a significant difference in Living Skills subject results on the higher order thinking skills. The authors proposed a new approach by using a specialised instructional module for individualised learning to deliver the thinking skills learning task...

2353 hits

Hubungan antara gaya pembelajaran Kolb dan bentuk gaya berfikir Sternberg dalam kalangan pelajar pendidikan teknikal
Yee Mei Heong, Md Yunos Jailani, Hassan Razali, Othman Widad, Tee Tze Kiong, Mohamad Mimi Mohaffyza,
Gaya pembelajaran dan gaya berfikir menunjukkan kecenderungan individu yang berbeza dan kekuatan seseorang individu dalam pembelajaran. Kajian deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara Gaya Pembelajaran Kolb dan Bentuk Gaya Berfikir Sternberg dalam kalangan pelajar pendidikan teknikal. Seramai 230 orang pelajar pendidikan teknikal telah dipilih secara rawak sebagai sampel kajian. Satu set soal selidik yang diterjemah daripada Inventori Gaya Pembelajaran Kolb dan Inventori Gaya Berfikir Sternberg-Wagner telah digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian untuk pengumpulan data. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa majoriti pelajar mempunyai gaya pembelajaran jenis Pemusatan, diikuti dengan Penyesuaian Diri, Asimilasi dan Pencapahan. Bentuk gaya berfikir jenis Oligarki paling banyak dimiliki oleh pelajar. Keputusan analisis ujian kolerasi Cramer V menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Gaya Pembelajaran Kolb dengan faktor demografi. Hasil dapatan kajian men.....

1825 hits

Pelaksanaan Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) bagi melahirkan K-pekerja di Malaysia
Ismail @ Abd Wahab Aruna, Hamzah Hamizatul Azura, Osman Ibrahim, Mohd Nor Azlinda, Tee Tze Kiong,
Pelaksanaan SLDN di Malaysia adalah bertujuan untuk melahirkan K-pekerja, iaitu pekerja berkemahiran tinggi dan berpengetahuan serta dilengkapi dengan nilai kemahiran sosial dan metodologi pembelajaran. Kajian tentang pelaksanaan SLDN di Malaysia menggunakan pendekatan mixed method, iaitu pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen soal selidik dan protokol temu bual. Responden kajian adalah terdiri daripada pengurus, penyelaras dan pengajar SLDN. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa elemen kemahiran sosial serta metodologi pembelajaran masih di peringkat sederhana. Maka penerapan elemen-elemen ini perlu dipertingkatkan dalam penyampaian latihan dan ianya lebih berkesan apabila dilaksanakan di tempat kerja sebenar. Oleh itu, industri perlu memainkan peranan penting dalam memastikan keberkesanaan pelaksanaan latihan ini. Kajian juga menunjukkan kurangnya penglibatan industri dan ini perlu dipertingkatkan bagi keberkesanan penerapan elemen-elemen tersebut. Hasil kajia.....

1918 hits

Design and Technology Teacher in TVET: A View on Thinking Style and Inventive Problem-Solving Skill
Tze, Kiong Tee
Teachers play an important role to help student in solving problem in school and consequently preparing for their future career. Teachers can be the most important feature to expose thinking style in class. This is theimplication of Technical and Vocational Education and Training programme which requires the students to be ableto think creatively and critically in problem-solving. As inventive problem solving is known to be creativeassessment methods for innovation, it is needed to guide Design and Technology teachers to expose the studentnew technique of solving a problem. This study attempts to investigate teachers’ perception of their thinking style and inventive problem-solving skill. The importance of thinking styles in inventive problem-solving skill and the factors contributing to the achievement to inventive problem solving are also discussed. Data were collected from367 Design and Technology teachers across Malaysia. Data obtained were analyzed descriptively. This studyconfi.....

676 hits

Students humorous learning styles in the learning of Malay Language Literature components
Sii, Kiong Ming
This study aims to identify the effects of the types of students humorous learning style as predictive factors in learning Malay Language Literature Components. The study also aims to identify the different students humorous learning styles in Malay Language Literature Components based on gender. The Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire was used and adapted from Reid (1984). The sample selection was conducted using a random sampling method. The study sample consists of 30 students of a total of 17 male students and 13 female students at a high school in the district of Bintulu, Sarawak. The results of the study were analyzed using inference statistics involving multiple linear regression and t-test. The results show that there were significant differences in terms of the types of students humorous learning styles as predictive factors in learning Malay Language Literature Components. The results also showed that there was no significant difference in terms of students hum.....

771 hits

Penggabungjalinan kecindan sebagai perangsang afektif dan kognitif dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran komponen sastera Bahasa Melayu
Sii, Kiong Ming
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kebolehan guru untuk mengaplikasikan unsur kecindan secara bersahaja, mengenal pasti strategi pengajaran, media pengajaran dan jenis-jenis gaya pengajaran guru yang digabung jalin dengan unsur kecindan untuk merangsang afektif dan kognitif murid. Selain itu, kajian ini turut mengenal pasti jenisjenis unsur kecindan sebagai perangsang afektif dan kognitif murid dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Komponen Sastera bahasa Melayu. Kajian kualitatif yang melibatkan kaedah temu bual, pemerhatian dan analisis dokumen digunakan dalam kajian ini. Pemilihan sampel bertujuan melibatkan 15 guru bahasa Melayu menengah atas dan 10 orang murid tingkatan empat di dua buah sekolah menengah. Tiga kaedah pengumpulan data digunakan, iaitu protokol temu bual, borang pengekodan dokumen dan nota kajian lapangan. Selain teori-teori kecindan (Teori Inkongruitui, Teori Kelegaan dan Teori Superioriti), Teori Pembelajaran Berasaskan Minda yang menghubungkan bada.....

1143 hits

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