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Simplified search suggestions : Abdul Halim Ali
Development of healthcare mobile application workoutholic: Fit4Health
Nur Affa Ardini Abdul Halim
This mobile application is a monitoring program for intensity indoor workout to prevent any health disease during this pandemic era. Workoutholic mobile application contains a lot of exercising activities such as aerobic dance, jumping rope, push-ups and many other easy workout activities. This application also will help the user to have balanced exercise for their daily life activities. There is an urgent need for therapies that support mental health as well as the subthreshold or early phases of the disease, given the high rates of these 5 conditions. Young people's ability to live a healthy existence is greatly improved by Workoutholic mobile applications. By encouraging individuals to engage in a variety of daily exercise, these apps will benefit a large number of people. It enables the neighborhood to maintain a healthy environment free of any form of chronic cardiac problems. With recommendations for potential daily activity, learning is made simpler. Youth mental hea.....

260 hits

Cell-Wolf game A teaching tool for understanding Meiosis in form four Biology
Anis Aisyah Abdul Halim
The complexity of meiosis, combined with a lack of knowledge about chromosomes and misconceptions, contributes to students' difficulty understanding this process. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a Cell-Wolf Game as a teaching tool for form four biology students learning about meiosis and to assess its usability based on teacher trainees' perceptions. This study uses a developmental research design by employing ADDIE model as the instructional design model. Two instruments were used in this study: expert validation form and the usability perception of the questionnaire. Two biology lecturers have been appointed to assess the validity of teaching aid material content and questionnaires. A total of 103 trainee teachers from the Bachelors of Education (Biology) programme were selected as respondents for the field study. The study showed the content validity index for both the teaching aid material, and the questionnaire is 1.0, meanwhile, the reliability index for questionnaire was .....

116 hits

A systematic literature review on levels and effects of parental involvement in childrens learning
Abdul Halim Masnan
The objective of this systematic literature review is to analyze the literature on parental participation in their childrens education in primary schools in Malaysia. This review procedure entails searching, screening, evaluating, and synthesizing publications on parental engagement from several electronic databases, including Scopus, Taylor & Francis, ERIC, Google Scholar, MyCite, and Research Gate. The publications included in the analysis were published within the last 10 years (20122021). The findings of the analysis reveal that the degree of parental involvement in their childrens education is high in most studies. Furthermore, there are several effects of parental involvement in their childrens education, with a positive effect being the most common. Some challenges faced by parents are also reported, including factors related to parents, children, teachers, and schools. This review suggests that the relationships between parents, teachers, and children could be better organized .....

112 hits

Rumah Besar Penghulu Raja Bilah di Papan dan hubungannya dengan masyarakat Mandailing di Perak 1896-1940
Nor Haslinda Abdul Halim Khoo
Artikel ini membincangkan tentang Rumah Besar Penghulu Raja Bilah di Papan yang dibina pada tahun 1896 dan hubungannya dengan masyarakat Mandailing di Perak sehingga 1940. Objektif utama kajian ini ialah membuktikan bagaimana kewujudan Rumah Besar tersebut sebagai simbol kepada penyatuan dan kekuatan masyarakat Mandailing di Perak semenjak akhir kurun ke-19. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif menerusi pendekatan sejarah iaitu mendapatkan bahan, menilai kesahihan, menganalisis kandungan dan seterusnya mensintesis bahan menjadi sebuah karya sejarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahawa Rumah Besar Penghulu Raja Bilah di Papan dibina selepas kehadiran masyarakat Mandailing dari Sumatera ke Ipoh pada tahun 1896 selepas Raja Bilah dilantik sebagai penghulu. Seni bina Rumah Besar ini menggunakan campuran kayu dan batu untuk menghasilkan struktur bangunan dua tingkat. Gaya seni bina Rumah Besar ini mengikut gaya seni bina Mandailing iaitu Bagas Godang. Bagas Godang bagi masyarakat Mandai.....

31 hits

Pelajar khalifah profesional tempaan Ulul Albab sorotan penerapannya berasaskan komponen Qei di UPSI
Abdul Halim Ali
Makalah ini merupakan sebuah analisis konseptual bertujuan untuk membincangkan produk pelajar bercirikan khalifah profesional berasaskan konsep ulul albab. Perbincangan berpandukan kepada tiga aspek penting iaitu penjelasan tentang konsep ulul albab, konsep khalifah profesional dan penerpananya dalam program pembentukan pelajar di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak. Perbincangan tentang konsep ulul albab meliputi tiga komponen penting iaitu Quranik, ensiklopedik dan ijtihadik. Penerapan dalam program- program di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris menerusi Pusat Ulul Albab telah berjaya menghasilkan pelajar-pelajar yang bersifat ulul albab ini. Tujuh orang pelajar hasil tempaan ulul albab UPSI diperincikan bagi membuktikan bahawa pelaksanaan program ulul albab dapat menghasilkan pelajar-pelajar yang bercirikan khalifah profesional. Kata kunci: Pelajar UPSI, khalifah profesional, Ulul Albab, QEI..

24 hits

Pemikiran Islami dalam puisi-puisi terpilih penyair Sabah berdasarkan konsep estetika bersepadu
Norawi Kata
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membincang, menganalisis dan merumuskan aspek pemikiran Islami dalam puisi-puisi terpilih lima orang penyair Sabah. Kajian ini adalah sebuah kajian kepustakaan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan dan analisis deskriptif. Analisis dan perbincangan deskriptif berpandukan dua prinsip yang terdapat dalam krangka Teori Estetika Bersepadu yang dipelopori oleh Abdul Halim Ali (2010) iaitu (1) kesepaduan gaya bahasa dan pemikiran (stail) penyair dengan perutusan, (2) perkaitan stail dan perutusan dengan kebenaran. Terdapat empat jenis gaya bahasa kiasan iaitu gaya bahasa metafora, personifikasi, anafora dan alusi. Gaya bahasa yang bersepadu dengan pemikiran serta perutusan kebenaran dapat menerbitkan keindahan yang dapat mengusik emosi dan keterujaan pembaca. Keindahan dalam sesebuah karya sastera umpamanya puisi moden selain dapat menerbitkan makna dan pemikiran tetapi dapat memberi pengajaran berguna kepada masyarakat. Hasil analisis membuktikan wujud.....

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