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Simplified search suggestions : Nor Azah Abdul Aziz |
1 | 2017 article | Reka bentuk Gamifikasi pembelajaran Geografi berasaskan permainan Geoplay Nisa Khairuddin, Zulkifli Che Zalina, Abdul Aziz Nor Azah, Mohamad Nordin Norhisham, 5688 hits |
2 | 2017 article | The effects of free rotate gestures in multi-touch screen design on childrens' achievement in learning shape for pre school children Mohd Razali Fadhlina, Abdul Aziz Nor Azah, Salim Siti Aisyah, Mohamad Rasli Roznim, Zulkefly Nur Farah, 3638 hits |
3 | 2012 monograph | Development of virtual Herbarium in higher plants Mohamed Fatimah, Mohd Noor Nor Nafizah, Alimon Hasimah, Abdul Aziz Nor Azah, Said Che Soh, 2230 hits |
4 | 2017 article | A literature review on multimedia learning device for dyslexic students Zamani Noor Ashafiqa, Abdul Aziz Nor Azah, Zukifl Che Zalina, Ibrahim Abu Bakar, 1543 hits |
5 | 2017 article | Development of a geoplay learning mechanics and modality principles as a presentation strategy Nisa Khairuddin, Zulkifli Che Zalina, Abdul Aziz Nor Azah, 1151 hits |
6 | 2019 article | The comparison between fine motor skills traditional activities and multi-touch gestures screen design: expert reviews Nor Azah Abdul Aziz The purpose of this study is to acquire expert reviews regarding a comparison between fine motor skills traditional activities with multi-touch gestures screen design. The multi-touch gestures enables children to perform multiple finger gestures such as free rotate, pinch and spread on touch screen design. The gestures are often selected because it is similar to reallife movements. Furthermore, it can enhance the interaction between users and virtual objects. Free rotate gesture enables children to rotate the objects on screen. Pinch gesture enables children to focus on the objects on screen by moving two fingers toward each other. Spread gesture enables children to make the objects look bigger on screen by moving two fingers away from each other. As these gestures involved small muscle movements, it was believed to be related to fine motor skills development. Therefore, this study aimed to get expert reviews about the pre-school children’s fine motor skills development by comparing ..... 793 hits |
7 | 2019 article | Issues and challenges of islamic mental-cognitive process in empowering adolescents Nor Azah Abdul Aziz This study shows that the Islamic psychosocial level of adolescent offenders is at a low level. It is understood that Islamic psychosocial refers to the strength of the Islamic spirit within an individual to interact with the community around him. This is the nature of empathy and it is solely from the encouragement of Allah’s universal mercy. The low level of psychosocial is due to the person’s poor Islamic mentalcognitive process. The level of thinking of mental-cognitive process plays an important role in developing one’s psychosocial (compared with Gadd & Jefferson 2007). The study also reveals the positive influence between Islamic mental-cognitive process and Islamic psychosocial. In Islam one should always prioritize the needs of others above oneself. Islam does not recognize individualization and capitalization. Islam only recognizes the fact that genuine individuals are the ones who sacrifice themselves and their property to uphold the truth of Allah. Throughout the hist..... 1697 hits |
8 | 2021 article | Early childhood care and education trainees\' perspectives of their career path Nor Azah Abdul Aziz Education, either formal or informal, plays an important role to help the masses. As such, educators, especially trainees, are entrusted to teach young generations all important elements, principles, or concepts in a wide range of disciplines. Surely, such an undertaking, especially for early childhood care and education, requires quality teachers. In this regard, existing early childhood care and education modules or curricula should be periodically reviewed and revamped (if necessary) to help produce competent teachers who are excellent in all aspects encompassing content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge. This paper discusses the professional growth and development of trainees in early childhood care and education (ECCE) in terms of short-and long-term goals, missions, and career path-planning. The paper also elaborates on the relevant training workshops, courses, modules, and curricula that can be implemented to help improve their practical skills. The discussion also highl..... 565 hits |
9 | 2021 article | Issues in operating childcare centers in Malaysia Nor Azah Abdul Aziz This paper discusses the qualifications of operators of Malaysian childcare centers, namely TASKA and TADIKA, and the challenges faced by practitioners in the industry of early childhood education (PAKK). This research used both qualitative and quantitative methods involving interviews and a survey. The sample study comprised 727 respondents consisting of 282 operators of TASKA and 343 operators of TADIKA. The research used a set of questionnaires and interview guidelines. The findings of the quantitative method showed the operators of TASKA and TADIKA had a diverse range of professional and academic qualifications, while the findings of the qualitative method highlighted a wide spectrum of challenges faced by operators of centers involved in the early childhood education industry. Collectively, such findings suggest that running a childcare center is fraught with a myriad of challenges encompassing economic, logistical, social, educational, and financial factors, which have to be addr..... 660 hits |
10 | 2022 article | Penggunaaan media sosial dari perspektif psiko spiritual Islam Nor Azah Abdul Aziz Kertas kerja ini membincangkan tentang penggunaan media sosial dari perspektif psikospiritual Islam untuk kestabilan mental. Metodologi kajian ini merujuk kepada penggunaan maqamat dan ahwal untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkategorikan media sosial yang bersesuaian dengan psikospiritual Islam yang merujuk kepada tulisan tokoh sufi Abū alQāsim ‘Abd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin ibn ‘Abd al-Mālik ibn Talhah al-Qushayrī (376H-465H) yang berpegang dengan akidah Ahl Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. Terdapat empat puluh lima atau lebih maqāmāt dan ahwāl yang telah dianalisa oleh al-Qushayrī (Knysh, 2000). Bagaimanapun untuk kajian ini penyelidik memilih tiga maqāmāt dan tiga ahwāl yang bersesuaian dengan pengguna media sosial yang boleh dipraktiskan untuk penyucian jiwa dan kesihatan mental. Hasil kajian adalah formulasi panduan penggunaan media sosial yang sesuai dari sudut psikospiritual Islam.
Kata kunci: Media Sosial, Psiko Spiritual Islam.. 147 hits |
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