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Simplified search suggestions : Subramaniam Selva Ranee Raja Kasim Raja Suzana Ismail Ramlee
An exploratory study of a potential framework for Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)
Subramaniam Selva Ranee, Raja Kasim Raja Suzana, Ismail Ramlee,
The pursuit for higher degrees is accelerating in the country. With mushrooming foreign and local graduates from non-university and university status institutions, it is critical to explore the types of qualification awarded and the existing platform for recognition and accreditation purposes. The objectives of this study are: (i) to gather information with regard to current policies and practices pertaining to recognition and accreditation systems of the higher education sector, with specific reference to Malaysia and China (ii) to review the existing policy between accreditation and recognition agencies/ providers and (iii) to recommend best practices, guidelines and strategies for practical implementation in Malaysia. The methodology pursuit in Malaysia and China involved inspection of documents and purposive interviews. The research was implemented from May 2009 to november 2009. The results of the research revealed that though the worldview of mutual recognition agreement is to li.....

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