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Publisher: Fakulti Muzik dan Seni Persembahan (256 items)
211Self-directed learning in Music teacher education: perspectives from pre-service Music teachers in South Koreaarticle
212Senario penghasilan pola pakaian di Malaysia bagi program fesyen TVETarticle
213Seni cetak masa kini di Malaysia: tinjauan umum menerusi pameran-pameran berkumpulanarticle
214Siwang Asik, ritual komuniti Semai, kumpulan Bah Lut di kampung Bukit Terang, Kampar, Perakthesis
215Slendro culture, balungan concept, and inner melody of Jawatimuran Karawitanarticle
216Song without voice: the power of the vendor's song in Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing?article
217Sounds of Wisdom unveiling the hidden pedagogical power of musical instruments of World Music Ensemblesarticle
218Students' learning impact using recorder through Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) thesis
219Subi Shah’s Holistic theory of Nepali performing arts: implications for research and teachingarticle
220Summer Dreams a concept album of western pop music inspired by lovethesis
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