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Subject: L Education (General) (1070 items)
561Local community involvement in Malaysian early childhood care and education centers article
562M-learning in ELT: avenues and challenges that confront teaching and learning at higher educationarticle
563Maker-centred in classroom learning: metamorphosis of primary education in Malaysiaarticle
564Malaysian educational leaders: the conceptual frameworksarticle
565Malaysian unity and integration aspiration: enhancing cultural inclusiveness through investigating minority group Identity Experiencesarticle
566Managing teaching approach in early childhood care education towards skill development in Nigeriaarticle
567Manfaat pendekatan pembelajaran teradun dalam pendidikan Matematikarticle
568Masalah dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Moral di sekolah menengah dan penyelesaian masalah melalui kaedah Hermeneutik article
569Mastery learning as learning model to meet the passing grade of Al-Quran Hadith subject at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 4 Padang Pariamanarticle
570Math teachers pedagogical practices: an index to students learning outcomesarticle
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