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Subject: LA History of education (27 items)
1Amalan Komuniti Pembelajaran Profesional dalam kalangan guru panitia sekolah rendahthesis
2An appraisal of the attitudes and achievement motivation of Arab postgraduate students towards the learning of the English Language in selected Malaysian Public Universitiesarticle
3An evaluation of the implementation of the school-based assessment system in Malaysia (IR)thesis
4Design student worksheets based on problem- learning to enhance mathematical communicationarticle
5Diagnosis penguasaan kemahiran dan kesilapan pelajar tingkatan satu bagi tajuk Pembinaan Geometriarticle
6Distractor efficiency of an intermediate English proficiency course final examination paperarticle
7Effects of happy emotion induced by Filipino children’s music on the performance in addition and subtraction of grade I Filipino pupilsarticle
8Evaluating the effectiveness of the ethnic relations course using the CIPP model: a performance at the Sultan Idris Educationarticle
9Hubungan sokongan sosial dan motivasi pelajar Fizik tingkatan empat di Bandar Meru, Ipoh dalam menyelesaikan masalah Fizikfinal_year_project
10Interaksi antara kecerdasan emosi, efikasi kendiri dan tahap kerisauan terhadap pencapaian akademik murid-murid tahun enam yang akan mengambil peperiksaan UPSR 2017thesis
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